Is the sanctity of life of the preborn child a civil rights issue? We are guaranteed the “right to life” in our founding documents — the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution — as a “blessing” endowed…
SJW's Always Lie by Vox Day is an excellent and irreverent treatment of how to defeat all types of postmodernist activism.
SJWs — Social Justice Warriors — are essentially cultural Marxists masquerading as advocates for the oppressed. They would use the arm of the state to achieve their goals.
A pastor friend of mine recently harped on how he thinks that people in the Church who preach “dominion” are dangerous. They are the “deep state” in the Church. I had to explain that there are true forms and counterfeits in all expressions of Christianity.
Christian Reconstruction in its true form teaches regeneration of the individual first and then the leavening of society through Christian families, churches, and then the civil sphere fourth. So it is all voluntary each step of the way. Obviously, we believe that man’s laws ought not conflict with God’s laws. We avoid the extreme of anarchy recognizing that someone has got to rule inevitably. And you will either have God’s law or man’s law as our civil code. But that’s not to say that the law can be enforced from the top down to create a Christian society.
So what does this have to do with “Social Justice Warriors”?
Imagine for a moment if pro-life legislator answered, when asked, “Are you pro-life?”
“Yes, I am pro-life. I’m against partial-birth abortions. I’m against federal funding of abortions. And I believe in a strong parental consent notification law.”
In parts 1 and 2, I gave the historical background of the Scottish Reformation through the life of John Knox and a summary of his work, The First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment of Women. I briefly…
The hero of the Scotch Reformation, though four years older than Calvin, sat humbly at his feet and became more Calvinistic than Calvin. John Knox spent the five years of his exile (1554-1559), during the reign of Bloody Mary,…
In this series, I will examine the ways that some people have misread Knox’s most well-known and controversial work by framing it in terms of postmodernist sentimentality and feminism. If you are already well up to speed on John Knox,…
Dr. Peter Hammond is the missionary director of Frontline Fellowship. He has pioneered evangelistic missions and established Christian schools and Bible colleges throughout Africa, particularly in Sudan to persecuted Christians. In the course of his missionary activities, Pe…
The Role of Church and State in Executing Vengeance Against Blasphemy, Idolatry and Witchcraft One of the main points of any system of covenantal theology should be the idea of “covenantal shift.” There are certain instances where Christ or one…
The Constitution upholds God’s Law concerning the right to life. This was the understanding of the Framers. They heard the words of the Declaration still ringing in their ears, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are…
“Real Protestants fight!” The above was a catch-phrase of a friend of mine, Jeff Ziegler, who introduced me to the doctrines of the Protestant Reformation over 20 years ago. Prior to that time, I was content to describe myself as…