A Glossary of Terms for the Multipolar World – 4PT in Biblical Perspective

It is not necessary to carefully read through all of the Glossary articles (see the menu below). This section is lengthy and you have one of two choices.

  1. If you find yourself familiar with most of these terms, you might want to just skim through or skip ahead to Our Purpose – To achieve victory, first we must seek it!. If you want to get right into the meat of the book, you can refer back to the Glossary anytime. I have grouped these terms under subject headings rather than in alphabetical order. However, these terms are listed again in an alphabetical index at the end of the book so you can refer back here again.
  2. Some people may find this Glossary interesting as a stand-alone chapter. It serves as a road map to the rest of the book. The purpose is to show how many of these theories, movements, political organizations and concepts are all related. An intuitive person will be able to draw some conclusions by “connecting the dots.” You will be able to better predict where the line of argument of this book is headed.

Glossary Headings

Political Theories
Modern Political Movements
Forms of Government
Modern Political Counterfeits
Political World Orders
Culture and Society
Regional and Global Organizations
World Reserve Currency
World Financial Organizations
Globalist Think Tanks, Theories, and Doctrines


The Fourth Political Theory in Biblical Perspective

Jay Rogers

A Christian civilization is emerging from under the wreckage of Modern culture.

A Christian civilization is emerging from under the chaos that has been strewn throughout the wreckage of Modern culture. As dawn breaks through the darkness, many will be awakened to a new understanding of the fulfillment of the Law through love and grace. Many will comprehend, as if for the first time, what it means to be truly human. We are being prepared to overcome a world system that has denied God, faith, family, and even humanity itself. This book analyzes and critiques several leading experts in the theory of the rising multipolar world including –

The Changing World Order by Ray Dalio
The Clash of Civilizations by Samuel Huntington
The Fourth Political Theory by Aleksandr Dugin

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