Pro-Life Victory in China

The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service is considering changes which would make a clear statement to the world that abortion kills babies and violates human rights. The Chinese government currently forces women to have an abortion after the birth of…

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The Downfall of Communism

“Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Working men of all countries unite!” – Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto, 1847 For decades, the…

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Abortion or Infanticide?

A recent Boston Globe story described how an aborted baby continued to live, gasping and twitching in a bedpan, abandoned to a small room in a Philadelphia hospital with other aborted children. Dr. Joseph L. Melnick was convicted of infanticide,…

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China's Students Flocking to Christianity

BEIJING, China (NNI) – Thousands of Chinese students are turning to the Christian faith in the bitter aftermath of the brutal suppression of the pro-democracy movement on June 4, 1989, but the Chinese church is experiencing difficulties discipling these new…

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Spiritual Hunger Sparks Revival

Among Chinese Intellectuals “It’s all because those soldiers on June 4th used real bullets to shoot the people. If they had used rubber bullets there would be no revival among the students today.” - Beida University Student Behind these emotional…

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