Livingston, Robert Michael (watchlist, permanently suspended) – Vero Beach

1700 Waterford Drive
Apt 209
Vero Beach, FL 32966

Robert Livingston Medical Office
3350 NW 2nd Ave # A1
Boca Raton, FL, 33431

Home: 3603 NW 5th Avenue
Boca Raton, FL, 33431

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YOB: 1935

License status: Null and void

Robert Michael Livingston was admitted to Boca Raton Communtiy Hospital on January 20th, 2004 (two days before the Roe 21st anniversary) due to a drug overdose. He had injected himself with opiate narcotics to deal with pain. The overdose resulted in the impairment of cognitive abilities.

He currently takes methadone to deal with chronic pain. He agreed to withdraw from the medical practice. On May 19th, 2006, Livingston returned to his medical practice in violation of his contract. As a consequence, his license to practice medicine has been permanently revoked.

Abortion Fight Escalates After Fetal Matter Found

Orlando Sentinel, October 24, 1992

BOCA RATON — An anti-abortion group and a gynecologist who performs abortions are both under investigation by police trying to learn who put fetal material in a garbage bin, a police spokesman said Friday. The Palm Beach Medical Examiner’s Office determined that medical waste in the bin behind Dr. Robert Livingston’s clinic included tissues from first-trimester abortions, Boca Raton police spokesman Michael Genay said. Livingston said it was planted by anti-abortion advocates.

Here’s an article showing Livingston was performing illegal abortions prior to the time of Roe v. Wade.

In September 1972, when police raided Doctor Robert Livingston’s office [in New Jersey], confiscated materials, and arrested him for conspiracy to perform abortion, the ACLU-NJ stepped in to represent him.


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