Waterman II, Philip F. (verified) – Naples, Fort Myers

Killing Places:

Planned Parenthood of Collier County
1425 Creech Road
Naples, FL 34103

Planned Parenthood: Fort Myers Health Center‎
8595 College Parkway, Suite 250
Fort Myers, FL 33919

Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando
726 S Tampa Ave
Orlando, FL 32805


Dr. Philip Waterman FACOG
650 Del Prado Blvd
Cape Coral, FL 33990


904 Robala Drive
Fort Myers, FL 33919

View Florida Abortionists in a larger map

YOB: March 1948

This practitioner has indicated the following additional state licensure:

Michigan, New York, Vermont

This practitioner currently holds staff privileges at the following hospital/medical/health institutions:

Lee Memorial Hospital; Healthpark Lee Memorial Hospital, Fort Myers;
Cape Coral Hospital, Cape Coral

Philip Waterman is a circuit rider abortionist for Planned Parenthood of Collier County, Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida and Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando. Known schedule as of January 2012: Monday Naples, Thursday Fort Myers, Saturday Orlando (other days in Tampa and Sarasota).

Pro-life picket of Planned Parenthood abortionist Philip F. Waterman’s residence – 1/8/2012

Video: Waterman II, Philip F. (verified) – Naples, Fort Myers
Waterman II, Philip F. (verified) – Naples, Fort Myers
Click play to connect to youtube

The pro-life community of Naples and Fort Myers, Florida once again visited Waterman’s neighborhood on Sunday, January 8, 2012.

Jim Finegan told the story of how residential pickets began in southwest Florida.

“There are a lot of God-fearing northern snow birds wintering in Florida and we look forward to joining with these fine youths, the future leaders of the pro-life movement, in making Waterman and his neighbors uncomfortable.”

Terese Flanigan told us about recent efforts at the abortion mills and Waterman’s home including a story about Waterman trying to run her down with his Ford town car.

“I was hoping he’d hit he. Then he’d find himself in a lawsuit,” she said.

Residential awareness campaigns in abortionists’ neighborhoods have resulted in a number of them quitting their blood trade. Recent “retirees” have reportedly included Wallace W. Mclean in Naples and Vera Stefanac in Orlando.

Pro-life protest in front of abortionist Philip Waterman’s home, Ft. Myers, FL 3/21/2010

Video: Waterman II, Philip F. (verified) – Naples, Fort Myers
Waterman II, Philip F. (verified) – Naples, Fort Myers
Click play to connect to youtube

WINK News broadcast March 21, 2010. This was the first pro-life protest in front of the home of abortionist Philip Waterman of Ft. Myers, FL, who aborts at the Planned Parenthood in Naples, FL. Protests are held every 6-7 months.

See the event page

Chapter 37: Picket An Abortionist’s Neighborhood

Left: Abortionist Philip Waterman at Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando

Picket To Begin In Florida

And now four of the bright yellow warning signs which we held are on their way to Florida to educate another community of the threat that lies in their midst.

Ten years ago Naples, the crown jewel of southern Florida, had a stain on its pristine white sands. Abortionist Wallace McLean had moved into the community and was financing his beautiful home, located in an exclusive complex near the ocean, by spilling the blood of pre-born babies.

Though the Naples Pro Life Council picketed his office on a regular basis, McLean continued to ply his trade with impunity.

Just One Picket

Coming from Chicago, I was aware of the effectiveness, and legality, of picketing abortionist’s homes. I also knew the unstoppable power of prayer.

We witnessed for life in front of his home just once but it was enough to plant the seeds of discomfort in McLean’s neighbors. They learned the truth about how the affable doctor made his living; he had betrayed his oath to heal, choosing instead to violently end the lives of innocent babies.

Within days the entire city learned the truth thanks to media coverage of the prayerful picket.

A few days after our picket McLean’s spokesperson called the President of the Naples Pro Life Council to say the doctor had gotten the message; he would no longer engage in the killing of the unborn.

New Naples Abortionist

Sadly, last September Planned Parenthood announced they would again be spilling the blood of the pre-born in Naples once again. They had hired Philip Waterman, “a circuit abortionist” who lives in Coral Gables, north of Fort Myers, to kill pre-born babies every Monday in Naples.

There has been a pro-life presence in front of the Planned Parenthood every day he plies his grisly trade. In addition, the diocese of Venice has a Forty Days for Life prayer vigil ongoing in Naples at this time.

Student Leads The Effort

Last Saturday, a student from Ave Maria University announced he was organizing a picket of Waterman’s house in Coral Gables. I can’t tell you how proud I am of this young man, and the adult sponsor, a lawyer, who encouraged the students to organize this effort.

I look forward to the date being set within the first few weeks of March and anticipate a large participation from the students and residents of Naples, Fort Myers, and Coral Gables. Once the details are set I will have them posted on the Pro-Life Action League’s blog.

There are a lot of God-fearing northern snow birds wintering in Florida and we look forward to joining with these fine youths, the future leaders of the pro-life movement, in making Waterman and his neighbors uncomfortable.

Please pray for the success of this effort.

Naples, Florida Planned Parenthood Patient Rushed to Hospital

By Kathleen Gilbert

NAPLES, Florida, May 26, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A possible botched-abortion victim had to be transported from a Naples abortion clinic by ambulance on Monday, as abortion clinic workers blocked the patient from view with a black tarp, reported the Naples Daily News.

The regular crowd of pro-life witnesses watched in dismay as the victim, a patient at Planned Parenthood of Collier County, was transported to an area hospital in the early afternoon hours. Photographs submitted to the local newspaper show abortion clinic workers holding up a black tarp to block view of the victim entering the ambulance.

Abortionist Philip Waterman of Cape Coral only performs abortions at the Naples clinic on Mondays.

Char Wendel, president and chief executive officer of Planned Parenthood, declined to say whether the patient was the victim of a botched abortion, telling the Daily News only that “we are a medical facility and we respond to emergencies.”

Pro-lifer Fred Goduti told the newspaper that the ambulance call was the first since the clinic began performing abortions on Sept. 14 of last year. Prior to that, the Pro-Life Action league reports that Naples had been abortion-free for over a decade, after pro-lifers pressured the abortionist Wallace McLean to quit by picketing his home.

“We were praying this would not happen,” Goduti said. “It is inevitable it would happen.”

The dissemination of the story, which was picked up by Fox News, shows a shift in how the media handles such stories, said Operation Rescue president Troy Newman. “Not that long ago, no news outlet would have touched this story,” said Newman.

Newman commented on the “sheets of shame” Planned Parenthood employees used to hide the victim from view, which he said “could not keep the truth from getting out that their organization endangers the lives of women when it takes the lives of pre-born babies.”

“For many years we have tried to get the media to cover documented cases of ambulances transporting injured women from abortion clinics. Now it is finally happening. This exposure could eventually help close this clinic, and others like it, out of concern for public safety,” he added, urging witnesses to file a complaint with the state medical board.

Ambulance at Planned Parenthood

(Photos by Fred Goduti)

A patient at Planned Parenthood of Collier County was transported by ambulance today from the clinic on Creech Road to an area hospital, according to emergency medical personnel. The ambulance arrived at 12:50 p.m. and left with a patient on board a few minutes later, while a dozen abortion opponents were protesting on the sidewalk nearby. The clinic performs abortions only on Mondays.

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