Chapter 7 – Witchcraft, Feminism and Child Sacrifice


The Abortion Matrix: Defeating Child Sacrifice and the Culture of Death

Is there a connection between witchcraft, neo-paganism and the abortion industry?

This powerful presentation traces the biblical roots of child sacrifice and then delves into the social, political and cultural fall-out that this sin against God and crime against humanity has produced in our beleaguered society.

Conceived as a sequel and update to the 1988 classic, The Massacre of Innocence, the new title, The Abortion Matrix, is entirely fitting. It not only references abortion’s specific target – the sacred matrix where human beings are formed in the womb in the very image of God, but it also implies the existence of a conspiracy, a matrix of seemingly disparate forces that are driving this holocaust.

The occult activity surrounding the abortion industry is exposed with numerous examples. But are these just aberrations, bizarre yet anomalous examples of abortionists who just happen to have ties to modern day witchcraft? Or is this representative of something deeper, more sinister and even endemic to the entire abortion movement?

As the allusion to the film of over a decade ago suggests, the viewer may learn that things are not always as they appear to be. The Abortion Matrix reveals the reality of child-killing and strikes the proper moral chord to move hearts to fulfill the biblical responsibility to rescue those unjustly sentenced to death and to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves (Proverbs 24:11,12; 31:8,9).

Speakers include: George Grant, Peter Hammond, RC Sproul Jr., Paul Jehle, Lou Engle, Rusty Thomas, Flip Benham, Janet Porter and many more.

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Related Articles:

  • Chapter 1 - Abortion: The Religion of Witchcraft and Child Sacrifice
  • Chapter 2 - Abortion in Biblical Perspective
  • Chapter 3 - Abortion ... The Devil’s Mousetrap
  • Chapter 4 - The Origin of Child Sacrifice
  • Chapter 5 - The History of Human Sacrifice
  • Chapter 6 - Modern Witchcraft and Child Sacrifice
  • Chapter 8 - Do What Thou Wilt - Witchcraft and Satanism
  • Chapter 9 - Defeating Jezebel
  • Chapter 10 - Tearing Down the High Places

  • Video: Chapter 7 - Witchcraft, Feminism and Child Sacrifice
    Chapter 7 - Witchcraft, Feminism and Child Sacrifice
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    Chapter 7 – Witchcraft, Feminism and Child Sacrifice

    by Eric Holmberg and Jay Rogers

    Mention “Christianity versus witchcraft” and negative images of “the burning times,” the Salem witch trials and outbreaks of religious hysteria among superstitious people come to many people’s minds. It is here where we need to dispel the Hollywood image of the old crone of fairy tales such as Snow White or the Wizard of Oz. There is no doubt that many of those executed for witchcraft in the Middle Ages were innocent victims of gross superstition. Such terrible measures are to be condemned as being in complete opposition to the Spirit of Christ and the clear teaching of scripture. With that said, however, it is wrong to dismiss the genuine instances of demonically inspired activity history records.

    20th Century Wicca

    Dr. Gerald Gardner, an anthropologist, spent the early part of the 19th century studying groups that practiced magic around the world. At the time he believed that witchcraft as it had been practiced by pagan Europeans had been extinct for centuries. But in the 1930’s Gardner discovered a group in Great Britain that was still practicing the “craft.” Fascinated, Gardner was initiated into the coven, studied its rituals, and eventually became one of the foremost experts and advocates for the ancient religion.

    At the time of Gardner’s discovery, witchcraft was, in fact, on the edge of extinction. There were no known covens in the United States and some countries such as England had laws on the books outlawing witchcraft. On the publication of his book, Witchcraft Today, Gardner began to hear from other covens throughout Europe which had also survived. He spent the rest of his life writing on Wicca and promoting witchcraft throughout the world. Today, Gardner is regarded as the grandfather of modern Wicca and the primarily force behind its revival in the latter part of the 20th century.

    One of Gardner’s followers, Raymond Buckler, was initiated into the craft one year before Gardner’s death in 1964. He introduced Wicca into the United States during the cultural sea change that was the 1960s. Buckler, like Gardner before him, believed that in modern-day Wicca, the rituals of the ancient earth religion had survived.

    What exactly then, is modern Wicca?

    Wiccans today draw their religious ideology from the Mother Earth cults of the Celtic and Nordic peoples of pre-Christian Europe.

    The word “Wiccan” first appears in an early manuscript of an Anglo-Saxon scribe in the alliterative phrase: wyccan and waelcyrian, “witches and valkyries.” The word in Old English denotes both men and women using magic arts. Modern Wiccans claim that their name means “wise one” and was the name of a matriarchal leader of a tribe skilled in healing, herbal lore and magic arts.

    Although Wiccans deny using animal and human sacrifices in their rituals they do admit that they “pour out libations … Some female Witches use their own menstrual blood in spells; other witches may prick themselves … and offer a drop or two of their own blood. But the only blood a Witch has the right to offer is her/his own.”

    Do modern Wiccans view abortion as child sacrifice? To be fair, we must say that in our research we’ve received literally hundreds of letters and electronic communications from Wiccans around the world. The vast majority of Wiccans and Pagans deny that they have anything to do with human or animal sacrifice. They also deny that Wicca has anything to do with the abortion industry, nor do they view abortion as the sacrifice of the unborn in their rituals.

    But all modern day Wiccans freely admit that the modern religion is traced to ancient Celtic and Northern German people, the very people who practiced human sacrifice.

    Although the vast majority deny that they have anything to do with the practice of child sacrifice, Wiccans are hard pressed to explain a growing number of witches who argue that abortion is a witch’s prerogative.

    Video: Chapter 7 - Witchcraft, Feminism and Child Sacrifice
    Chapter 7 - Witchcraft, Feminism and Child Sacrifice
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    Starhawk is a best-selling author and a highly regarded voice within witches’ circles. She is also a licensed minister of the Covenant of the Goddess. Starhawk defended abortion this way:

    It is in our encounter with the mysteries of birth and death … that we meet the Goddess. So to take away our right to have that encounter [through abortion], to face that often painful and difficult choice, is to deny a woman’s deepest spiritual self.

    Zsuzsanna E. Budapest is a Hungarian-born witch considered to be the “Mother” of the feminist spirituality movement in the United States. She founded the first feminist witches coven here in the 1970s, the Susan B. Anthony Coven #1, which served as a template for other feminist covens across the country. A prolific writer, Budapest has provided spiritual justification for abortion and offered abortion rituals in her books. In The Grandmother of Time, Budapest wrote, “Abortion is the prerogative of the Dark Mother.” (Zsuzsanna E. Budapest, The Grandmother of Time: A Woman’s Book of Celebrations, Spells, and Sacred Objects for Every Month of the Year (New York: Harper, 1989), 127.)

    “Dark Mother” is an allusion to the life-taking aspect of the goddess that always accompanies her fertile, sensual nature. Budapest believes abortion is a woman’s “responsibility, making the choice of life and death as much a part of the Goddess as her life-giving good nature.”

    As one goddess worshipping witch put it, the goddess “who whets your appetite with sexual pleasure also whets the knife.” (Nevada Kerr, “Abortion as a Sacred Rite,” Snuff It, no. 4)

    Ginnette Paris is author of the books, Pagan Meditations, Pagan Grace and The Sacrament of Abortion. She is a witch who currently serves on the Core Faculty of the Pacifica Graduate Institute in Carpinteria, California. In The Sacrament of Abortion, Paris writes:

    It is morally acceptable that a woman who gives life may also destroy life … whoever kills a fetus commits a murder…. (a fascinating and sobering acknowledgement of a biblical and scientific truth).

    It is not immoral to choose abortion; it is simply another kind of morality, a pagan one …

    [O]ne can occasionally resort to abortion when it is necessary to sacrifice the fetus to a higher cause …

    In the book a woman is instructed to consider the reasons behind abortion. Paris asks, “To what ideal or what set of values is she sacrificing the fetus?” Her repeated reference to sacrifice is purposeful. Her entire book can be summed up as advocating abortion as a sacrifice to the goddess Artemis. Historically, the Goddess Artemis was worshiped as goddess of birth and goddess of blood sacrifice.

    Abortion as a sacrifice to Artemis. Abortion as a sacrament – for the gift of life to remain pure (Ginnette Paris, The Sacrament of Abortion (Spring Publications, POB 222069, Dallas, TX 75222, 1992) pp. 53, 56, 107 & back cover.)

    The post office box of an Aware Woman abortion clinic employee, Veronica Jordan, (P.O. Box 060192, Palm Bay, FL 32906) was the same mailing address for the Open Circle the Wiccan newsletter which recruited volunteers to work magic around the property of the abortion clinic.

    Why then, if Wicca does not promote abortion as part of their religious belief, does this newsletter recruit “abortion clinic defenders” and rally Wiccans for pro-abortion demonstrations?

    We see frequent Wiccan bumper stickers appearing on cars of abortion clinic workers: “THE GODDESS IS ALIVE AND MAGIC IS AFOOT” and “IN GODDESS WE TRUST.”

    Modern Feminism

    What we are witnessing today is a return to ancient fertility rites – when the gods and goddess of fertility were invoked through ritual sex – and children were the accepted human sacrifice to ensure personal and communal prosperity. We are seeing a growing spiritual justification for abortion, a thinly veiled cover for ritual child sacrifice.

    An example of the spiritual deception that so often leads to the trampling of the sanctity of life can be found in a newsletter published by the National Abortion Federation. It provides an account of their 1985 national convention. One of the speakers was Carter Heyward, an ordained Episcopal priest who has been active for many years in the feminist movement. In her address she stated: “If women were in charge, abortion would be a sacrament, an occasion of deep and serious and sacred meaning.”

    That an ordained leader of a church that supposedly represents Jesus to the world could describe child sacrifice as a sacrament or holy rite of the church without facing excommunication is a staggering illustration of the collective deception we are facing as a nation.

    Several other examples are found in the December 1985 issue of Ms. Magazine – the undisputed leader of feminist publications. This particular issue was completely dedicated to exploring the new emerging spirituality in modern feminism. Much space was given to goddess worship or adulation of the various demons associated with child sacrifice (including Isis and Aphrodite). The central article in this issue of Ms. is filled with testimonies showing the gross deception that has already taken captive much of our nation – men and women alike.

    The feminist spirituality movement began to emerge in the mid-1970s and has become one of the largest sub-movements within feminism. It’s amorphous, blending in a surprisingly smooth amalgam radical feminism, pacifism, witchcraft, Eastern mysticism, goddess worship, animism, psychic healing, and a variety of practices normally associated with ‘fortune-telling.’ It exists nationwide and takes the form of large, daylong workshops, small meditation groups, and even covens that meet to work spells and do rituals under the full moon. But to the women in feminist spirituality, witchcraft had even a more fundamental meaning. It is a woman’s religion, vilified by patriarchal Christianity, and now, finally, reclaimed.

    We are witnessing an explosion of books, magazines, “how-to” manuals, artwork and the inevitable paraphernalia that accompanies the development of any organized religion.

    Today we have given the demons of human sacrifice new names: “Career” – “Convenience” – “Money” – “Lust” – “Self.” But beyond this, we have come full circle; today’s rationalism has given way to a new feminist spirituality that honors these same demons, actually calling them by their proper biblical and historical names. Surely it can be no coincidence that the hottest sub-movement within the feminist movement that began to emerge after the Roe v. Wade decision is goddess worship. Or that one of the primary deities that is being worshipped is Aphrodite – the goddess of child sacrifice.

1 Comment

I have a friend that practices Wicca, she is quite high up so she says. She recently had a brief sex affair with a work mate got pregnant and had an abortion. Now very strange she took the abortion very lightly and everyone at work new about it she even mocked the father for small genitals and useless at making love.
Could have this girl got pregnant on purpose for an abortion sacrifice to give her much needed prosperity, as she has had nothing but bad luck and trouble with staying in jobs, finding friends also making ends meet? Though we Christians know that Satan will rob kill and destroy and he is the real reason for her calamities.
Thanking you for any help.

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