Arts and Media

ABC-TV raises time-worn allegations An Insight Into Hollywood Standards Barbara Davis Hyman story Batman, Ghostbusters, Star Trek, Indiana Jones But Is It Art? Dick Tracy Don't Touch That Dial Is There A Resurgence of Values in Hollywood? Jewish Journalist Speaks…

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Don't Touch That Dial

By Barbara Hattemer and Robert Showers Huntington House Publishers Book Review: If you believe that the present generation is at risk from sexually explicit entertainment, this book contains information for action against the pornography which is prevalent in modern media.…

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But Is It Art?

By Arianna Stassinopoulos Huffington Author of Picasso: Creator and Destroyer In the fall of 1989, 14 photographs by Robert Mapplethorpe were sold at auction at Christie’s for $129,690. In the same week, 23 Mapplethorpe photographs were sold at auction at…

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The Model of Christian Liberty. This DVD includes “Dawn’s Early Light: A Brief History of America’s Christian Foundations” and bonus features.

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