Youth Revolution International

By Jeff Dwiggins

MELBOURNE, Florida – Brevard County, Florida – otherwise known as the “Space Coast” – is the world’s foremost pioneer in space exploration and a leader in high-tech communications and computer engineering.

  • Cape Canaveral is world renowned as the home of Kennedy Space Center, a launching pad for the Space Shuttle and the communications satellites that orbit the earth transmitting information to nearly every home in America.
  • The Florida Institute of Technology (FIT), a private university in nearby Melbourne, boasts one of the nation’s top computer and engineering programs. Over 80 nations are represented by the international student population at FIT.
  • Engineering firms that specialize in sophisticated computer programming and technological breakthroughs such as Harris Corporation and Grumman Engineering round out this impressive technical landscape.

In this international atmosphere that Youth Revolution International (YRI) has been launched to bring forth a prophetic message of revival, reformation and restoration. The vision of YRI is to work for the restoration of New Testament Christianity by empowering young people to impact their culture for Jesus Christ. The mission of YRI can be broken down into four distinct components:

(1) Campus ministry;
(2) Leadership training and education;
(3) Evangelism;
(4) Multi-media exploration and application.

We want to train young people to utilize the innovations in media technology to carry out the Great Commission. We hope to proclaim the majesty and splendor of Jesus Christ in a relevant way that will inspire others to passionately pursue the Son of God with radical fervency.

We hope to organize two major leadership training seminars a year – one for high school students and one for the college crowd – on how to articulate the victorious Christian worldview. We will organize three-day conferences that will involve annointed evangelists and teachers from the Body of Christ to train leaders who feel called to youth ministry.

A series of meetings and workshops will cover topics such as: educational issues; evangelism strategies; city-wide unity; and a recovery of the unfathomable riches of Jesus Christ (Eph. 3:8). Night sessions of these conferences will consist of an evangelistic meeting where people will be encouraged to bring an unsaved friend to hear a dynamic message on the glory of repentance and salvation. We hope to organize an evangelism team from every public high school to efficiently and effectively proclaim the Gospel to their peers on a regular basis.

The Christian Internet

The most outstanding development involves the establishment of TIMOTHY (Timely Information Online To Help You), a Christian computer networking system that will enable Christian students from Brevard county to communicate with and access information from other Christians all over Florida and the United States by computer. We are looking to TIMOTHY to serve as a tool for training high school and college students how to use modern computer technology to make disciples of all nations.

YRI will act as a resource and information center for key leaders in similar spheres of influence who need to establish relationships and swiftly obtain information from each other. YRI is forming an advisory board of Christian engineers and computer experts from NASA, Harris and Grumman to supervise the development of this component and train young people in the futuristic applications of fiber optics, telecommunications and virtual reality. By doing this we hope to stay on the cutting edge of every technological innovation that will give our generation an advantage towards discipling their peers in the coming “electronic invasion.”

We want to make it clear that we are not out to build our own kingdom or communicate the idea that we are uniquely special in our godly calling. We are out to build God’s kingdom and there is nothing special about this team except for Jesus Christ. We are motivated solely out of love for God and love for people. We want to see as many students touched by Jesus Christ in our lifetime as possible. YRI staff leaders are held accountable by local pastors that jointly serve as a spiritual and doctrinal advisory board for all of YRI’s activities.

If you would like more information about YRI, write: Youth Revolution International, PO Box 2538, Melbourne, FL 32902. If you would like to make a donation, make your tax-deductible check payable to “YRI.”


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