Victory for Pro-life in Pennsylvania

HARRISBURG, PA (FR) – In response to the Webster decision, which moved the abortion issue to the state legislatures, Pennsylvania has recently passed the strongest pro-life measure since the Supreme Court’s July ruling.

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives adopted abortion restrictions protecting the lives of the unborn by a 143-58 vote. The Senate is expected to pass the measure in November. Democratic Governor Robert Casey, a strong pro-life advocate, stated that he will sign the bill.

The restrictions are an amendment to a child-abuse bill which requires a 24 hour waiting period before an abortion; outlaws all abortions after the 24th week of pregnancy except to save the life of the woman; bans abortions for the purpose of sex selection; and requires notification of the spouse before an abortion.

State Representative Robert Freind has led the fight to restrict abortion since he was elected in 1976. Freind, a former FBI agent and novelist, was responsible for introducing the pro-life bill to the state legislature. He said that he would love to see his bill challenge Roe vs. Wade in the Supreme Court. “It’s a brand new ball game,” Friend commented on the conservative make-up of the high court.

Although pro-abortion advocates tried to down-play the pro-life victory, the outcome of Pennsylvania’s preliminary abortion battle indicates that great changes in abortion legislation are beginning to be advanced.

Denise Neary, National Right to Life Committee state director commented: “Those favoring abortion worked the press. We worked the Legislature and won.”


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