- The Battle for World Dominion
- A Call for Action
- The Blessings of a Christian Society
- Bridging the Intellectual Void
- Marching to Victory!
- Reformation Bible Institute Correspondence School
- A Call For A Renewed Reformation Zeal
- Rivalry Over Great Principles Reaching Impasse
- The Ruling Power of Ideas
- What is a Worldview?
- The World's Greatest Thinkers Were Christians!
- Puritan Storm Rising!
- John Calvin on Justification By Faith Alone
- Models for Reformation: John Knox (1505-1572)
- Models for Reformation: Covenantal Lawsuits - Church of Scotland (1500s)
- Models for Reformation: Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector (1599-1658)
- Models for Reformation: Puritan America (1620-1776)
- Models for Refomation: William Bradford, Plymouth Colony (1590–1657)
- Models for Reformation: John Winthrop, Massachusetts (1588-1649)
- Models for Reformation: Cotton Mather (1663-1728)
- Models for Reformation: Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
- Models for Reformation: Wesley to Wilberforce On Slavery (1791)
- Models for Reformation: The Christian Abolitionists (1800s)
- Models for Reformation: The Women's Suffrage Movement (1800s)
- Models for Reformation: Charles G. Finney (1792-1875)
- Models for Reformation: William Booth, The Salvation Army (1829-1912)
- Models for Reformation: Martin Niemöller, The Resistance (1892-1984)
- Applying Models for Reformation: The United States in the 21st Century
- The Power of Hope
- Pioneers, Settlers and Aristocrats: Three Generations of Christians in America
- Christian Committees of Correspondence: The Second American Revolution
- Christian Committees of Correspondence: Countering the Political Doldrums
- Randall Terry, Christian Defense Coalition
- The Gospel and Social Reform
- Shiloh Christian Fellowship
- Reformation of the Nations

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