Killing Places:
Orlando Women’s Center
1103 Lucerne Terrace
Orlando, FL 32806-1016
EPOC Clinic
609 Virginia Drive
Orlando, FL 32803
Women’s Center of Hyde Park
502 South Magnolia Avenue
Tampa, FL 33606
Ocala Women’s Center
108 NW Pine Ave
Ocala, FL 34475-6619
4815 Sawgrass Lake Circle
Leesburg, FL 34748
(Lives at this address, which is his parents’ home.)
View Florida Abortionists in a larger map
This practitioner has indicated the following additional state licensure: New York
(Circuit rider for James Pendergraft.)
Listed as a board member:
New Directions Of Central Florida LLC
Lady Lake, FL 32158
New Directions Of Central Florida LLC is in the following categories: Alcoholism Information and Treatment Centers, Drug Abuse and Addiction Information and Treatment
Minutes from a meeting on Friday, November 14, 2008
(See page 11.)
Dr. Spagnolo-Hye was present with Dr. Pomm. Dr. Jaffe was required to appear before the Board to discuss his reasons for leaving training program, participation in an impairment program in New York and medical condition. Action Taken: After interviewing the applicant and Dr. Pomm, Dr. Burns moved to conditionally approve the applicant for licensure with the following conditions: During the remainder of his training, the training program must provide quarterly reports to the Board If the applicant moonlights, he must provide a practice plan to the Board for approval. Dr. Escher seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Pro-life picket of abortionist Scott Spagnolo-Hye’s residence on 3/19/2011
LEESBURG, FL – Scott Spagnolo-Hye, a much younger killer, has talked to some of the sidewalk ministry team at Orlando Women’s Center about quitting too. A residential picket’s purpose is to encourage abortionists to repent and receive God’s forgiveness or simply to quit.
See a photo album of the residential picket in front of Scott Hye’s neighborhood.
Scott Spagnolo-Hye – 7/20/2011

LEESBURG, FL – This was a continuation of an awareness campaign for abortionist Scott Hye, one of several residential pickets of an abortionist who performs late-term induced delivery abortions. The awareness campaign is to let his neighbors know that this abortionist kills babies up to 24-weeks of gestation that might survive outside the womb if they were delivered by c-section.
Scott Spagnolo-Hye – 5/8/2012
By John Barros
I have been speaking to Scott Hye for about two years. I have prayed with him shared God’s Word with him. I have even stood in front of his house. I have continued to pray and talk to him. He has said he hated doing abortions, but after so long I wondered. Then today he promised that he is going to quit and said he would meet with me to discuss where he stands with God and repentance. Won’t you pray with me?
