Residential Pickets – OSA Orlando Recap (Part 3)

What is residential picketing?

According to Pro-life Florida:

It’s a “catch-all” term that encompasses a variety of activities done at or near the home residence of an abortionist. Usually, it takes the form of a “neighborhood alert” … making sure neighbors know who exactly is living nearby – and how they came to afford their residence (abortionists usually live in decent neighborhoods) – not by the same hard work and honest day’s pay that most people do, but by the exploitation of hurting women and the destruction of innocent life. In many cases, we also alert the neighborhood to the various law violations that most abortionists are involved in: lawsuits, criminal cases, medical malpractice complaints, and so forth.

Peaceful pickets of abortionist’s neighborhoods follow the law and provide a good model of concerned citizens using their first amendment rights to speech, press, assembly, religion and petition. One Orlando child killer, Vera Stefanac, “retired from doing abortions” shortly after two pickets, one at her place of residence and one at her Ob/Gyn office, according to a clinic worker who knows her.

Emil Felski – 7/16/2011

Video: Residential Pickets - OSA Orlando Recap (Part 3)
Residential Pickets - OSA Orlando Recap (Part 3)
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MAITLAND, FL – Emil Felski is an Orlando area area abortionist who has worked for James Pendergraft. He now works for Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando. In the beginning of this video, you can see him walking to work from his maroon SUV. In one of the images, he is holding what appears to be a glock.

A few years ago, pro-life evangelist Patte Smith told us that Felski had been attending Joel Hunter’s Northland Church in nearby Maitland Florida.

Emil Felski has been a notorious abortionist in Central Florida for many, many years. He was seen attending Northland week after week. When I asked him what he was getting out of the sermons Felski flipped me the finger. Let us pray that pastors begin once again to preach the sinfulness of man and the eternal consequences of their sin. Instead of avoiding the bloody offense of the cross let us pray that these churchmen would come under the conviction of the Holy Spirit and be faithful to their calling to be clear in the necessity of a genuine repentance so that the way of salvation would not be shrouded in modern therapeutic quackery.

Local pro-lifers decided a few months back that it was beyond time that Felski’s trade as a baby killer be exposed to all his patients at his Ob-Gyn practice. Since then an awareness campaign at his “legitimate” practice has occurred at least once a month. July 16th, 2011 was the first time a residential picket was held at the gates of Felski’s community. The neighbors here were more contentious than at any other residential picket I’ve witnessed. The reaction was mixed with some very concerned about an abortionist in their neighborhood and some upset we were showing graphic signs of aborted babies in front of their lovely gated community. There were three police cruisers who stayed most of the time but left before the end. I could tell they were concerned about us not stepping over the property line, but they were very reasonable. The Gospel was preached and several of Felski’s neighbors stayed and watched. A few talked to us for a long time.

James Scott Pendergraft – 7/17/2011

Video: Residential Pickets - OSA Orlando Recap (Part 3)
Residential Pickets - OSA Orlando Recap (Part 3)
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ORLANDO, FL – This was our first residential picket of abortionist James Scott Pendergraft’s neighborhood on Sunday, July 17th 2011. We found out providentially Sunday night that a lawsuit trial against Pendergraft was commencing the very next morning. Pendergraft was sued for $36.7 million by a woman whose baby was born alive after a botched abortion. The child is now 10-years-old and has massive birth defects.

Scott Pendergraft lives in a beautiful home located on a long, lazy, winding road with a well-shaded park directly across from his driveway. It provided a perfect place for us to live out the Gospel in the streets. As we proclaimed the truth about abortion and about the Gospel, neighbors of Mr. Pendergraft stopped by and spoke with us.

Our intent in visiting Pendergraft’s neighborhood was to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to his doorstep. Upon knocking at the door, hoping to talk to the abortionist, Dr. Sangeeta Pati answered and claimed that Pendergraft no longer lived at that address. That was news to her neighbors who shared with us that he does indeed live there. Sangeeta Pati and abortionist Pendergraft have had a long time relationship. The neighbors told us that on some days he parks blocks away and rides his motorcycle to the house so people will not know that he is there. One of the families in the neighborhood had been praying for a solid Christian family to move into that house. When they found out who moved in, they were extremely distressed.

Gentle Christians distributed information throughout the area informing the neighbors of Pendergraft’s presence in their community. The intent of the leaflets was to ask the neighbors of Pendergraft to adopt him in prayer. We are very encouraged that abortionist Scott Pendergraft is surrounded by Christians who are praying for him to repent and trust in Christ as Lord.

James Gordon Gengelbach – 7/18/2011

Video: Residential Pickets - OSA Orlando Recap (Part 3)
Residential Pickets - OSA Orlando Recap (Part 3)
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LAKELAND, FL – This was the first residential picket footage of abortionist James Gordon Gengelbach’s neighborhood on Monday, July 18th, 2011. Gengelbach is a “circuit rider” abortionist for Gary Dresden, who runs the All Women’s Health Center abortion mills.

James Gengelbach lives in Lakeland in Polk county Florida. Here the police were called, but were professional, smiling and friendly. One even asked us when the picketers were coming back. He said, “Come back every week!” (I won’t say which one he was! You can guess!) There were three cruisers who came and then finally left.

At the end of the video, you can see Gengelbach himself, who drove off and saw the picketers who had blanketed his neighborhood with the truth about abortion and calling him to repentance.

Susan Idtensohn – 7/18/2011

Video: Residential Pickets - OSA Orlando Recap (Part 3)
Residential Pickets - OSA Orlando Recap (Part 3)
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TITUSVILLE, FL – This was the first residential picket footage of Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando CEO Susan Idtensohn’s neighborhood on Monday, July 18th, 2011. Idtensohn is the outspoken director of an abortion mill in the heart of the African American community near downtown Orlando. She lives in a lovely, spacious house about 45 minutes away on the Indian River Lagoon overlooking the Kennedy Space Center launch pad.

One police officer knocked on Sue’s door and talked to a neighbor. They left almost immediately after that without talking to us. A reporter for Florida Today came by and wrote a fairly balanced piece on the picket.

In the Florida Today report, Pastor Mark Holick said, “We are here to let the neighborhood and the town know” about Idtensohn’s position with Planned Parenthood, Holick said, discussing the Titusville protest. He said he wants people to “pray for her,” in hopes that she repents.

Idtensohn objected to the picketer’s method of free speech calling it, “confrontational and inflammatory…. We believe in people’s ability to make decisions and have choices.”

We pray that Susan one day will understand the irony of her statement. Susan believes in the “choice” to kill a baby through all nine months of pregnancy for any reason, but does not believe in the right to life for unborn children or the right of Christians to proclaim the Gospel peacefully on public property.

Tammy Sobieski – 7/20/2011

Video: Residential Pickets - OSA Orlando Recap (Part 3)
Residential Pickets - OSA Orlando Recap (Part 3)
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DELAND, FL – At a residential picket of the WomanCare abortion chain owner Tammy Sobieski, on July 20th 2011, we were thrown for a loop – actually several loops.

I am familiar with Tammy because she took over the abortion mill in Melbourne, where I lived for seven years, after the Aware Woman abortion mill owners Ted and Pat Windle retired. Tammy relocated that clinic to two places was later forced to close both her Melbourne and Cocoa locations due to a lease non-renewal. Another clinic in Fort Lauderdale closed around that time where she also lost her lease. This abortion chain is now only Orlando and Daytona.

I was searching for Tammy’s information late one night last week and I came across this mug shot of her.

See Tamara L. Sobieski’s mugshot.

She was arrested on July 26th, 2011 — less than a week after the residential picket. I always enjoy it when the abortionists are the ones being arrested and put on trial. That’s a nice switch. The charge was “contempt of court,” which in this case was the failure to show up in court for a deposition at the Orange county court house in Orlando. We don’t know what the deposition was about.

We will find out. It gives us something new to do.

One thing one of my friends from Melbourne remembered about Tammy over ten years ago is that she always drove a car with a “big green frog sticker.” This new model also has a frog decal — except this one is rainbow colored. You can see this “peace frog” at the very end of the video above.

You will find out more about that here at this blog shortly. I consider Tammy’s arrest one of the “aftershocks” to the spiritual earthquake that was the Operation Save America event here in Orlando.

Scott Spagnolo-Hye – 7/20/2011

Video: Residential Pickets - OSA Orlando Recap (Part 3)
Residential Pickets - OSA Orlando Recap (Part 3)
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LEESBURG, FL – This was a continuation of an awareness campaign for abortionist Scott Hye, one of several residential pickets of an abortionist who performs late-term induced delivery abortions. The awareness campaign is to let his neighbors know that this abortionist kills babies up to 24-weeks of gestation that might survive outside the womb if they were delivered by c-section.

Ralph Bundy – 7/21/2011

ORMOND BEACH, FL – Abortionist Ralph Bundy, medical director of The Women’s Health Center Inc. (a.k.a. WomanCare) in Orlando and Daytona Beach, had his face on the cover of the May 1990, Florida Magazine, labeling him: “The Abortion Doctor.”

In an interview with the Orlando Sentinel 09/17/1991, he said he lost a friend because of the story:

I did lose one really good friend that I’d had for 20 years. She sent me a couple of books, and the message – both from the books and from her was that I was going to burn in hell.… She pretty much blew me off.

He had told reporters that he does not tell many of his friends that he does abortions. He tells them only that he works in a clinic.

I don’t hit people over the head with it. I don’t go to a party and say, “Boy, I did a tough abortion today.”

OSA’s Awareness Team traveled almost two hours north to Ormond Beach in support of a prayer group who has for many years stood at Bundy’s abortion mill in Daytona Beach and have prayed for his salvation.

Randall Whitney – 7/22/2011

PORT ORANGE, FL – In this photo, Randall Whitney’s wife came out to talk to Pastor Mark Holick, one of OSA’s evangelists. Residential pickets are peaceful, missions of mercy to those who are caught in a web of deception and blood-guiltiness.

Later that evening, pro-life evangelist Mark Hall of Messengers of Hope, brought Randall Whitney to one of Operation Save America’s nightly rallies. OSA director Flip Benham says this of Randall Whitney:

I heard abortionist Randall Whitney’s testimony to the jury this past week in Orlando as he made the statement that he saw the babies “wiggling around in toilets.” It was jaw dropping for me to hear and witness the matter of fact way in which he described it. Chet Gallagher, who attended abortionist Pendergraft’s trial with me, said he saw juror number six in horror and tears as she listened to the testimony.

Note this well. I have been privileged to share the Gospel of Christ with Randall Whitney on more than one occasion. He attended our last rally session on Friday night, though most of you were unaware of his presence. He came as a guest of Mark Hall who has been sharing Christ with Randall for many years. Rusty preached that night and I know that God spoke to Randall’s heart. Please keep Randall Whitney and his wife in your prayers.

After the service, Jo Scott followed Mr. Whitney in the parking lot to witness to him. This is her account:

I asked him what he thought of the service, he responded, “It was powerful.” “Do you believe that Jesus died for your sins?” I asked. He said that he didn’t believe that anyone could die for anyone else’s sins. He said that he believes in a god, but a god that is only love. I explained to him if his god loves the rapist and the raped there is no love, just chaos. Jesus loves intensely and he hates those who come against what he loves. I explained that He is always ready to forgive but he is also just and holy (Ps. 5:5, 7:11).

Whitney believes in evolution so I asked him about his conscience. I explained, “In order for something to evolve it must have at least a cell, the conscience does not.” He agreed. Then I explained that God wrote the law on our hearts and that knowledge has no cell, or atomic weight. No scientist in the world can explain how all people everywhere innately know the difference between right and wrong. Then I explained to him that God gave him a conscience because that’s where God goes to talk to us. I looked him in the eyes and said with conviction, “That is why the first time you killed a child in his mother’s womb, you knew it was wrong.” It was one of the few points I made with the 77-year-old abortionist that he did not have an answer for, he just let it go.

He told me that the Bible says nothing about the child in the womb. I quoted Exodus 21:22, “If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follows: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.”

He seemed a little shocked at that, but quickly regained his composure and with a superior attitude and asked, “You believe in a god like that?” I answered, “You bet I do.” He asked me if I’ve been watching what’s going on in the world. He said that the new democratic rule was leading the world to peace. He was very excited about it. I explained that salvation will not come from legislation. It’s a free gift and it comes from Jesus.

When talking about his abortion practice he said that he believes that he is truly helping women. He says he “really loves women” and that he “knows” that he is helping them. He refuses to listen to anything to the contrary. Our conversation went on for twenty minutes and what is interesting to me is he sees himself as a messiah of sorts, helping women in these tough times. But at the same time reality has smacked him upside the head lately. He slapped a woman in his office recently and he was arrested for it. He was called to testify at Scott Pendergaft’s trial this past week and he was probably the key witness to sink his colleague.

Abortionist Whitney is not board certified in seven critical fields and, while abortionist Pendergraft was in prison, he was left in charge of Orlando Women’s Clinic when a woman seeking a late term abortion received an exceedingly high doses of Cytotec (exceeding the standard dosage 50 times). No nurses or doctors were present at the time, only medical assistants. She complained that they would not give her anything for pain and then left the office, went to a hospital and delivered a child severely damaged by the botched abortion.

Finally, he recently had surgery to insert a pacemaker. His whole image of himself may be shaken and this may be an opportunity to shine the light of Jesus through the cracks in his facade.

Sadly, Whitney arrived at work the next week to kill babies as usual with a smile on his face.

NOTE: Some of information above was provided by permission from the website of Operation Save America.

1 Comment

Our Rock is Jesus. I frequently use Ps. 137:9 to pray that the CHILDREN of abortionists will have a powerful encounter with Jesus, and grow up to become the most ardent foes of their parents’ evildoing.


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