Imagine if you lived in Western Europe 500 years ago and someone told you that an explorer had just circumnavigated the world. There were now newly discovered vast continents to the West and East and huge civilizations that had never encountered each other before. What if they tried to explain the coming changes in world trade, world reserve currencies, joint-stock investment capitalism, global banking systems, the Internet? What about the Protestant Reformation, Enlightenment science, constitutional government, Liberal democratic republics? You might have scratched your head and thought you were talking to a crazy person.
Things we take as mundane reality today would have been thought of as wonders just a few years ago. Few people today understand that we are on the cusp of a monumental shift in worldview, politics, and civilizational culture that is at least as great as the changes we saw in the West beginning in the 1500s. Of course, change happens all the time, but most live as though the world we see is the only one possible. Innovations on the level described above are inconceivable. These coming tectonic quakes will shift civilizational politics. These changes are coming as fast as they began to come 500 years ago.
Are you ready, Christian, to weather the earth-shaking changes? Are you ready to lead?
This book came about because I read three books that helped me form a more cohesive worldview on geopolitics.
A good friend of mine was born in Soviet Russia in early 1970s and later emigrated to Australia where she took graduate courses in order to become a teacher. For the first time, she encountered neo-Marxist propaganda in a…
There are nearly as many definitions of Liberalism and Modernism as there are forms of propaganda in the wide world. As the Church uses these terms, however, they may be roughly defined as follows:
Liberalism: The belief that the human person is the ultimate source of freedom and goodness, and so must be emancipated not only from restrictive political and social systems but from the Church, religion and even God Himself. Thus liberalism is above all a spiritual rebellion that is almost inevitably combined with Modernism.
Modernism: The belief that human culture, as the lens through which reality is generally perceived, is actually determinative of truth, such that all convictions must be adapted to satisfy the values of contemporary culture. In practice, this will always be the dominant culture, that is, the fashionable culture of the elites who have the greatest power to form public opinion.
Perhaps the most obvious thing about the combination of these two terms is the following paradox: Once liberals begin to regard human emancipation in terms of Modernism, they necessarily embrace regulatory and even totalitarian political mechanisms to ensure that everyone is properly “liberated”. The State becomes the surrogate for God, but unlike God, the State does not respect human freedom. ~ Dr. Jeff Mirus, In a nutshell: Liberalism and Modernism
The mistake of Liberalism is the idea that we have individual rights. We do not. We have human rights based on God’s Creation ordinances (Genesis 1-3) and the positive affirmations of the Ten Commandments.
Commandments #1-3. The right to worship the one true God and revere His name as holy
Commandment #4. The right to rest on the Sabbath and freedom from perpetual bondage and slavery
Commandment #5. The right to bear and raise children to respect God and parents
Commandment #6. The right to life
Commandment #7. The right to be married to one spouse of the opposite sex and preserve the sanctity of marriage
Commandment #8. The right to get wealth and property, the right to work
Commandment #9. All rights pertaining to a fair trial when accused of sin (church) or a crime (civil).
Commandment #10. The right to work in the pursuit of property lawfully without being subject to guile or conspiracy (not just the pursuit of happiness, but the pursuit of property).
Thus all human rights are Law related. In turn, all biblical laws are based on one of the Creation ordinances — the first principles.
This article can be viewed as a PowerPoint presentation, with pictures, click here. To download as a tract for printing and distribution, click here (English) and here (Afrikaans). In his Manifesto of 1848, Karl Marx wrote: “The theory of the…
The following is Part 13 and the final installment of an open letter to Colonel Vaughn Doner and a critique of his 2012 book, Christian Jihad: Neo-Fundamentalists and the Polarization of America. Throughout the series, I address Colonel Doner in…
The following is Part 12 of an open letter to Colonel Vaughn Doner and a critique of his 2012 book, Christian Jihad: Neo-Fundamentalists and the Polarization of America. Throughout the series, I address Colonel Doner in the second person, “you.”…
The following is Part 11 of an open letter to Colonel Vaughn Doner and a critique of his 2012 book, Christian Jihad: Neo-Fundamentalists and the Polarization of America. Throughout the series, I address Colonel Doner in the second person, “you.”…
The following is Part 10 of an open letter to Colonel Vaughn Doner and a critique of his 2012 book, Christian Jihad: Neo-Fundamentalists and the Polarization of America. Throughout the series, I address Colonel Doner in the second person, “you.”…
The following is Part 9 of an open letter to Colonel Vaughn Doner and a critique of his 2012 book, Christian Jihad: Neo-Fundamentalists and the Polarization of America. Throughout the series, I address Colonel Doner in the second person, “you.”…
The following is Part 8 of an open letter to Colonel Vaughn Doner and a critique of his 2012 book, Christian Jihad: Neo-Fundamentalists and the Polarization of America. Throughout the series, I address Colonel Doner in the second person, “you.”…