IMPACT Seminar is on Livestream

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The seminar is on Livestream.

I want to thank everyone who participated in IMPACT on Saturday, May 29th. I especially want to thank RESOUND Mission Base and their directors, Larry and Leah Ramirez who hosted it.

In the past, when we have held these meetings (Pro-life Unity, Florida Pro-life Network, Pro-life Council, etc.) we have usually had about 20 to 30 people. This was just a little larger, so we are making progress. We had 14 speakers, about 15 more people from RESOUND and friends of speakers. Then there were about four or five people who had never been involved in pro-life ministry before who were visibly touched and made connections with the ministries represented at the seminar. Obviously, I wish we had 10 times as many people in the latter group. I think we can recreate this much better in three to six months. My idea would be to do better promotion, to attach it to an activist event (either an event at the abortion clinics, Stand4Life, a showing of Maafa21, etc.) to bring in two or more nationally known speakers and to include more local pastors.

These were the program topics and speakers:

  • The Third Time Around – Jay Rogers
  • Activating Churches and Political Activism – Glen DeJong
  • The Pro-life Movement in Melbourne – Pat McEwen
  • Sanctuary Ministries in Orlando – John Barros
  • March in Tallahassee, Media and Internet – Fred Salivia
  • Personhood Now – Josh Craddock and team
  • Stand4Life and China Mission – Leah Ramirez
  • Maafa 21 – Nixx Hawkins
  • Bound4Life – Madie Celano
  • Pro-life Action Ministries – Cody Duncan
  • Adopt the Mills – Kathleen Kane
  • Center for Bio-Ethical Reform – Michael Schrimsher

Everything went better than I expected considering we were up against a lot of conflicting schedules and a holiday weekend. I was personally encouraged to see together in one place several old warriors who have been at this for over 20 years with many new people who have excitement and energy.

Some common themes of the seminar that came to me:

  • The pro-life movement is not a political or social issue, but a spiritual war between the Church and Satan – the seed of the woman and the serpent.
  • We must repent of division, support each other and get to know each other better.
  • There is a new wave of pro-life activism coming and we need to be prepared to train new activists.
  • We need to mobilize churches to “adopt” an abortion mill in every region of Florida.
  • We cannot let frustration or opposition stop us from pressing on.
  • We are a “remnant” movement, but we are destined to win.

We’d like to do this again. Please leave a message or contact me if you have any thoughts.

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