From Under The Rubble

Christianity’s Impact in Russia EVANGELICAL PROTESTANTS HAVE IMPACTED THE SOCIETY of the former USSR in the 20th century on a spiritual and moral level, and more recently, on a social and political level. This impact is acknowledged more and more…

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Election '96

Russian Federation Faces Crucial Decision Meet The Candidates Russian presidential elections are scheduled to be held on June 16, 1996. President Boris Yeltsin was elected on June 12, 1991, and his 5-year term began the day of his inauguration, July…

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The Silent Scream

Ronald Reagan changed his view as a result of watching The Silent Scream – a movie he considered so powerful and convicting that he screened it at the White House.

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The Model of Christian Liberty. This DVD includes “Dawn’s Early Light: A Brief History of America’s Christian Foundations” and bonus features.

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