One Red Line, 1/25/1998
The work on the same street in a small Florida town By: EMILY J. MINOR, Palm Beach Post (PB) They got to her, really got to her, on Sweet Nancy Day because, after all, this day of all days was…
Read moreThe work on the same street in a small Florida town By: EMILY J. MINOR, Palm Beach Post (PB) They got to her, really got to her, on Sweet Nancy Day because, after all, this day of all days was…
Read moreWHEREAS: Legalized abortion has resulted in the deaths of more than 25 million children; and WHEREAS: Abortion has been, and continues to be, a divisive issue, yet each of us can and should work together to affirm and celebrate life…
Read moreBy Lawrence Budd, Orlando Weekly As most people were kicking back over the holidays, Carla Josephson and other members of the local chapter of the National Organization of Women (NOW) were anxiously preparing for the arrival of a youth contingent…
Read moreHome of Aware Woman Center for Choice … where babies are killed while … manatees are saved and … pro-lifers are arrested. The injunction warning sign above was authorized by the injunction itself. This injunction created a 36 foot buffer…
Is there a connection between witchcraft, neo-paganism and the abortion industry?
Just what is Calvinism? Featuring many of the finest Reformed thinkers and pastors of our time.
Ronald Reagan changed his view as a result of watching The Silent Scream – a movie he considered so powerful and convicting that he screened it at the White House.
A sweeping epic chronicling the rise and decline of Western thought and culture