God's Law TV
In a recent post, I predicted that my God’s Law and Society channel on YouTube would get noticed fast and fan a smoldering controversy into flames. God's Law TV Click play to connect to youtube Today, I noticed that a…
Read moreIn a recent post, I predicted that my God’s Law and Society channel on YouTube would get noticed fast and fan a smoldering controversy into flames. God's Law TV Click play to connect to youtube Today, I noticed that a…
Read moreOne thing I forgot to mention in my last post is that you can broadcast to the entire world and not make a single convert unless the Holy Spirit is in your efforts. It is important to have a sound…
Read moreIn the 21st century, every Christian has a duty to use the new media technologies available to them to preach the Gospel on a daily basis. In the past, the Great Commission, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations …”…
Read moreI recently uploaded most of my God’s Law and Society videos to YouTube. This is otherwise known as the Second American Revolution website. At YouTube the same content is on the God’s Law and Society Channel. I had all of…
Read moreIf you haven’t seen the new version of The Great American Sculptor, then watch this improved version with four shorter programs. I’ve made a few edits and added a music track. I like this version much better. The Great American…
Read moreWithin 60 to 100 years of Christ’s death, there are about half-dozen Jewish and Roman historians who corroborate the story of Jesus even though it is apparent from their accounts that they had not read the New Testament, which at…
Read moreWhen I started my Forerunner Discussion Board in 2006, I posted the script to a video I had been working on for a few months, The Real Jesus. This video was inspired by and critiques a Peter Jennings special from…
Read moreHere is story that is over six months old that belongs in my Johnny Carson “I DID NOT know that!” category. I am so amazed that considering the theological paths I travel in that nobody brought this to my attention…
Read moreInspiration of scripture equals inerrancy. That much obvious. Anyone who denies inerrancy has a deficient view of what is meant by the word “inspiration.” Liberals have argued that we cannot view the scripture as being 100 percent inerrant as long…
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