A Note on Stephen Jay Gould

He’s been called “America’s most well-known evolutionist” by many; he is also evolution’s leading theoretician and radical thinker. This Harvard zoologist has proposed the idea of punctuated equilibrium as a response to the randomness of natural selection. …

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Abortion and Evolution

The battle rages on all fronts to preserve the unborn baby. Christians are lobbying and protesting across the nation to preserve the inherent right to life. However, those in the scientific and medical community have continued to depersonalize the humanity…

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Another Look at Dinosaurs

Few subjects are more thoroughly captivating to the minds of young people than dinosaurs. In an exhibit called “Dino-Mania,” life-size, animated, robotic dinosaurs shriek and growl at visitors, but most of them – including the children – are fascinated and…

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The Model of Christian Liberty. This DVD includes “Dawn’s Early Light: A Brief History of America’s Christian Foundations” and bonus features.

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