Pass The Word - November/December 1995
F.A.C.E. - A National Disgrace An Interview with Audry Gates Rebuilding Russia The Road To Victory Conference
Read moreF.A.C.E. - A National Disgrace An Interview with Audry Gates Rebuilding Russia The Road To Victory Conference
Read moreFlorida Today Biased Against Christian Conservatives Interview: Vladimir Zhirinovsky A Review of CCBC's Strategy and Activity for 1995-1996 Straw Poll Ranks Keyes Second with Brevard County Republicans
Read moreChristian Conservatives Are Coming On Strong!Our Supreme CourtPolitics at the GrassrootsQuote - Noah WebsterUnderstanding Your Voter's GuideWhitewater Explained - Part 1
Read moreAIDS Awareness Week at Satellite High School Can We Bring Real CHANGE to Government? Church and State Three abortion doctors quit Whitewater Explained - Part 2 Witch Prays at Titusville City Council Meeting
Read moreWho is this "Little Guy?" Liberals Attempt to Silence Christians' Freedom of Speech GOP Gender Gap Simply "Hogwash" Politics As Usual? ...or Biblical Law? Public Nudity and Its Consequences Radical Environmentalism in Biblical Perspective Sizing Up Perot&…
Read moreCCBC Survey of Members' Concerns - 1996 Florida - A Changing Political Climate Applying God's Law to the Abortion Issue Can we be involved with politics while remaining humble? Challenges Ahead for the Incoming County Commission John Witherspoon Ultra-liberal Allianc…
Read moreCCBC General Meeting Is it possible to build a Christian nation? Christian View of the Environment New Poll: Most believe Creation over Evolution Environmentalism & the Battle of Ideas The Newest Religion? The Triumphant March of the Church What Is…
Read moreBusiness Principles That Really Work! CCBC Officers for 1997 America: Secular State or Christian Nation? City Council Plans to Zone Abortion Clinic Out of Business God Is Calling America to Fast, Pray, Return to the Faith of our Fathers Our…
Read moreBible Creeds Apostles Creed vs. Gnosticism Nicene Creed (325 AD) Athanasian Creed (361 AD) Definition of Chalcedon (451 AD) Council of Orange (529 AD) Second Council of Constantinople (553 AD) Later Creeds (681,735,787 AD) Augsburg Confession of Faith (1530) Belgic…
Read more"Head" Religion Versus "Heart" Religion: A Fallacious Antinomy Baptized Arminianism Biblical Federalism A Summary of John Calvin's Defense of Paedobaptism What is the Reformed Faith? The Inherent Incompatibility of Equality and Freedom The Fullness of the…
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