Late-term Abortionist Pendergraft loses license suspension appeal, 7/4/2009

_I’ve collected this from various pro-life news sources. No local news source in the Orlando area has yet covered the story.

- Jay Rogers_

ORLANDO, Florida (The Forerunner) — Late-term abortionist James Scott Pendergraft III has lost his appeal of the suspension of his medical license for committing illegal third-trimester abortions. The suspension issued by the Florida Medical Board remains valid and in effect.

In an opinion filed yesterday, the Florida District Court of Appeals rejected all of Pendergraft’s arguments and stated that they “found no reversible error” in the Board’s suspension order.

The opinion further stated:

“Dr. Pendergraft violated sections 456.072(1)(k) and 458.331(1)(g) when he performed a third trimester abortion in his clinic, which is not a hospital.”…

• “violated section 390.0111(1)(a)… which prohibits third trimester abortions unless two physicians certify in writing to the fact that, to a reasonable degree of medical probability, the termination of the pregnancy is necessary to save the life or preserve the health of the pregnant woman.”

• [violated] “section 390.0111(1)(b)… because he did not certify in writing “to the medical necessity for legitimate emergency medical procedures for termination of pregnancy in the third trimester, and another physician is not available for consultation.”

• “the [Administrative Law Judge] found that there was clear and convincing evidence that Dr. Pendergraft committed medical malpractice.”

Pendergraft has a long history of violations and problems with the law. In 2006, Pendergraft’s license was suspended for similar infractions.

In 2001, Pendergraft was convicted of extortion was sentenced to 46 months in prison. He spent 7 months in an Atlanta penitentiary prior to being released on the appeal of his conviction. In July, all but one of Pendergraft’s extortion charges were overturned by an appeals court. He pled guilty to a final count of accessory that let him apply “time served” to his conviction.

It’s a sad commentary on the state of our media when a political slant keeps news outlets from informing the public of an important story. In the wake of Dr. George Tiller’s death, law enforcement needs to prosecute abortionists who violate the law. Such enforcement in Tiller’s case may have prevented unnecessary violence.

Earlier this year, I produced a series of videos chronicling Pendergraft’s late term abortion practice and one case that involved a baby boy born alive who was left to die.

Video: Late-term Abortionist Pendergraft loses license suspension appeal, 7/4/2009
Late-term Abortionist Pendergraft loses license suspension appeal, 7/4/2009
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