A visiting author teaches students “How to study smarter – not harder – and get straight “A’s”
GAINESVILLE, Florida (FR) – When Richard Little was a college freshman in 1982 at the University of Miami, he took 12 courses and managed only one “A” during the entire year. A bright student, he resolved to try harder the next year. However, he managed only two “A’s” in all 12 courses the second time around.
Having learned that he could earn “C’s” with little effort, he was baffled as to why much effort yielded the same results. He knew that it wasn’t because of his intelligence level, so he embarked on a search to discover the answer to his dilemma. After hanging around with some “A” students, he found, to his amazement, that they didn’t study any harder than he did! What was it that made the difference?
During the next three years, he learned the secret to success. Little decided he would put all of this material in a no-frills study guide, The Smarter Student: How to Study Smarter, Not Harder, and Get Straight A’s. This guide includes information on: the education system, the fundamentals, good study habits, study secrets, how to read a book, how to write a research paper, how to take a test, stress, and a direct and sensible way which insures success.
Little believes that most students have the ability to receive “A’s” in 90% of his classes. Speaking recently at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Little’s seminar was so popular that many students were turned away due to overcrowding. At the seminar, he outlined his method of success which consisted of (1) taking action consistently, (2) viewing failure as opportunity, and (3) focusing on the positive.
Little’s 40 page booklet is available for $5.95 plus $1.90 shipping, by writing to Student Publications, 3555 NW Federal Hwy Suite 100, Jensen Beach, FL 34957.
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