November 1992 Election: Don’t Waste Your Vote!

Don’t Waste Your Vote! The next President will either be George Bush or Bill Clinton. This may be the most crucial election in many years. Your vote is critical if you care about this nation’s future. Don’t say there’s no real choice. There is. There are dramatic differences between these two men, even if both fall short of your ideals. Even if you think both candidates would steer our nation down the wrong road, this does not negate your duty to make sure that the one with the heavy accelerator foot never makes it behind the wheel. If you have to hold your nose, then hold it and vote for the “lesser of two evils.” If you stay home, then you are voting for the greater of two evils. That would be immoral. If you cast your vote for a third party protest candidate, no matter how superior his character or platform, then you are de facto supporting the greater of two evils. That would be foolish. There will be plenty of time for idealism after November third. But now is the time for all of us to be as “wise as serpents.”

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The Silent Scream

Ronald Reagan changed his view as a result of watching The Silent Scream – a movie he considered so powerful and convicting that he screened it at the White House.

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