The True Nature of History

By Ron Auvil and Jeff Ziegler

History can be defined as a record of past events given with interpretation as to the causes of such happenings, along with an assessment of their importance.

Applying a biblical worldview to history will find a relationship or competition between false ideologies, philosophies, religions, political structure and the Kingdom of God. The resulting picture of this competition is the true nature of history.

Unfortunately, most Christians, especially in the West, can neither explain nor understand the conflict of these kingdoms. In my experience, most saints are willfully ignorant of history as a whole, let alone history from a Christian perspective. Indeed, they regard history as a long-forgotten high school subject, rather than what it is if interpreted properly. This correct view of history is one of the greatest faith building weapons a Christian may possess.

Thus, having forgotten the heritage of Christ’s advancing kingdom, Christians have been robbed of their birthright of past, present and future Kingdom glory.

How then can this tide be turned? Only by direct intervention of the Holy Spirit illuminating pastor, professor, and parishioner as to the truth of God, the purposes of God in history, and the destiny of God’s people for the future! For truly a proper view of Kingdom history can not only give us a view of redemption through the ages, but can give us a vision of the end of all competing worldviews versus the plans of God on earth.

This will give the saint a confidence and sense of destiny even amidst chaos. The saints will be encouraged to erase opposing historical forces! The tide of ignorance, apathy and failure shall be turned when we grasp by faith some basic biblical truth as follows!

1. History must always be viewed on the centrality of the Lord Jesus Christ! To the believer all things are evaluated and controlled by Jesus Christ. This eliminates worldly, humanistic views of history, as well as cultic views and the wild conspiracy theories so popular in the Church today. Believe it or not, history does not revolve around the Antichrist, the European Economic Community or the nation of Israel! Rather history revolves around the expressed image of the Father’s glory, Jesus Christ and His finished work at death’s tree – the Cross. (Colossians 1:16).

2. Not only is history subservient to the glorious Christ, He is the essence of history. His purposes in the earth, alone, are worthy of consideration or value to the believer. While all believers “live and move and have their being” in Christ, even the idolatrous mass of humanity today are subject to His awesome, history controlling power!

3. We must find out what God has been doing in history and align ourselves with it! We can live this view of history in a practical way. Listed below are some basic principles to follow.

A. The activity and ultimate fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant has, through Christ, allowed the Church to participate in this glorious vision of fervent missionary activity, reaching every people group with the testimony of Christ and His kingdom.

B. Violent Kingdom expansion through Holy Ghost anointed preaching will harvest countless multitudes into the Church.

C. The prophetic ministry of the Church will confront idolatry, sin, and corruption in our generation.

D. The restoration of society due to the “Sun of Righteousness rising with healing in His wings” (Malachi 4:2b).

There is a great need for an all-encompassing, mighty evangelical revival and spiritual awakening in this generation. Because all power has been given to an exalted Christ, the Church can confidently proclaim the full testimony of God to all the nations of the earth and thus fulfill the divine vision of history.

Ron Auvil is a staff member of Christian Evangelistic Endeavors, a ministry dedicated to bringing a great and mighty revival to the Church and spiritual awakening throughout the nations. C.E.E. sponsors Intensive Revival School, a two year discipleship training program designed to prepare students for the ministry. Revival Flame, a bi-monthly newsletter published by C.E.E., contains articles written by staff members and revivalists of old concerning revivals past and present.

Auvil and C.E.E.‘s president, Jeff Ziegler, are frequent contributers to The Forerunner. If you wish to receive Revival Flame completely free of subscription cost, or obtain more information about Intensive Revival School, you may do so by writing to the following address:

Revival Flame
c/o Christian Evangelistic Endeavors, Inc.
35155 Beachpark Dr.
Eastlake, OH 44095


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