Christian Youth International Begins

“Behold, I am doing a new thing!” – Isaiah 43:19

As we close out the first year of this decade of harvest, the prospects for World Awakening are more promising than they have ever been before at any other time in world history. This could be the decade in which the Great Commission is fulfilled!

The fires of revival are even now igniting in the Soviet Union and in Eastern Europe. Now is the time to infiltrate these nations with the Gospel! Some recent happenings concerning the Soviet Union should excite you into action:

  • A group of university students were among the people who accepted Jesus Christ during a recent outreach to the Soviet Union. Scores of young people went forward to publicly commit themselves to Christ at the end of a series of concerts put on by YWAM in 14 locations within the Soviet Union.
  • In a single meeting at a Vineyard conference last June, over $1.1 million was raised by Terry Law Ministries for distribution of Russian Bibles in the Soviet Union. At 50c per New Testament, this will provide 2 million Soviet citizens with the written Word of God.
  • Terry Law is working to raise the $6 million he will need to print and ship the 12 million New Testaments that he has been permitted to take into the Soviet Union.
  • 100,000 of these Bibles have already been acquired to distribute to university students throughout the entire Soviet Union.
  • Every major university campus in the Soviet Union will be evangelized in 1991 and there will be a campus ministry established on each one of these campuses.
  • Hundreds of Soviet and Eastern European youth leaders will be trained to reach their universities, cities and governments with the Gospel.
  • Office space in Riga, Estonia has recently been offered for the training of these leaders and serving as a headquarters for evangelizing the university campuses!
  • Hannu Haukka, a Finnish missionary to the Soviet Union, is calling for 500 days of fasting and prayer to correspond with the 500 day plan to create a free market economy. While each passing day brings the Soviet economy closer to anarchy and ruin, we must be in prayer and actively evangelizing the Soviet Union.

We must hurry to bring in the harvest! Let us pray for the multitudes who have never heard the Name of Jesus Christ proclaimed. Let us pray for the Soviet Church, for the government, and for the people who will respond to the Gospel message in the Soviet Union.

Will you join with us in prayer? And you might ask God about your going to the Soviet Union. There will literally be hundreds of opportunities opening to go to the Soviet Union next year. But what happens after 500 days is something we cannot know. Only God knows.

If, after having prayed for the Soviet Union, you would like to have more information about reaching the youth in the Soviet Union, or, if you would like to support this great work financially, you can write to:

Bob and Rose Weiner Ministries
P.O. Box 1799
Gainesville, Florida, 32609

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The Model of Christian Liberty. This DVD includes “Dawn’s Early Light: A Brief History of America’s Christian Foundations” and bonus features.

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