Commemorating the Life of Rev. Luther Vincent Laite III

Editor’s note (5/18/2012) – Luther Laite was one of the pastors faithfully leading spiritual warfare at the Aware Woman abortion center in Brevard County, Florida. The first time I met Luther in 1993, he had climbed into a tree in the front yard of the house directly across the street from the abortion mill in order to preach in the open air. For many years, he led a worship and prayer service one Saturday a month on the sidewalk in front of the abortion center. Shortly after his passing, the last abortion center in Brevard closed and the abortion rate in that county has remained at zero ever since. My God raise up one thousand pastors like this in America.

A Speech by the Honorable Dave Weldon of Florida in the U.S. House of Representatives

Mr. Speaker, I rise to commemorate the life and service of Rev. Luther Vincent Laite III. Rev. Laite, a pastor and disabled American veteran of the United States Navy. Rev. Laite died on December 7, 2003, of complications from asbestosis, a disease contracted while serving his country in the U.S. Navy.

Rev. Laite honorably served his country for six years aboard the USS Goldsborough, and was honorably discharged in 1984.

Rev. Laite served as a pastor for 19 years in Brevard County, Florida. At the time of his death, Rev. Laite was the Senior Pastor of Christian Life Family Church of Brevard.

As a result of Luther’s belief that churches must be involved in the life of the community, many women and children in need were helped. There was always room at the Laite family table or in the Laite house for those who had no other place to go.

Luther served on the board of the Protestant Ministries of Florida Institute of Technology and was National Director of Life Coalition International, an international pro-life ministry.

Luther is survived by his wife, Patti; seven children, Lydia Baker, Luther V. Laite IV, Audra Laite, Amanda Laite, Jesse Laite, Josiah Laite and Jonathan Laite; grandchildren, Zechariah Baker and Ethan Baker; his loving parents Luther and Peggy Laite and sister Vicky Stites, her children and grandchildren.

Several hundred people from all over the Nation attended the Luther Vincent Laite III memorial service that was held at Truth Revealed Ministries, Palm Bay, Florida, on December 13, 2003. Burial services were held at the Military Cemetery in Bushnell, Florida on December 15, 2003.

As quoted in Matthew 25:21, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your Master’s happiness.”

Indeed, Rev. Laite will be remembered by those who loved him as a faithful family man, devoted pastor and loyal friend. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. We will all miss him.

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