Perper, Zvi Harry (verified) – Delray Beach


Delray Pain Management
102 North Swinton Avenue
Delray Beach, FL 33444-2634


YOB: May 1961


Abortionist Zvi Perper most recently worked as a dealer of pain pills for a controversial clinic in Miami that was founded by a convicted drug smuggler. He is currently under indictment on multiple counts of conspiracy and drug trafficking and facing up to 490 years in prison.

Harry Perper was the abortionist on duty at EPOC abortion center in Orlando when when Baby Rowan was born alive and left to die. Baby Rowan’s mother, described him as a very fast-moving, hyperactive type of person

Perper also perforated a woman’s uterus at Orlando Woman’s Center requiring a hysterectomy for which he was subject to disciplinary action.

Substandard Care, Incompetence or Negligence (2/12/08) issued to: Dr. Zvi Harry Perper; License # ME65525; DOH Case # 2004-02581

Nature of Complaint: The physician upon performing a termination of a patient’s pregnancy through dilation and curettage severely perforated the patient’s uterus and deposited materials including the fetus and placenta into the patient’s lower abdominal cavity. The patient was subsequently transferred to a medical center where another physician removed the fetus and placenta from the patient’s abdominal cavity and due to the severe perforation of the patient’s uterus performed a hysterectomy.

Patient Suffers from Abortion at Orlando Women’s Center

Court Upholds Suspension of Florida Late-Term Abortion Practitioner’s License

He is the son of Joshua Perper who performed the autopsy on Anna Nicole Smith.

Joshua Arie Perper
Broward County Medical Examiner
5301 SW 31st Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312

Abortionist Zvi Harry Perper charged with racketeering and drug trafficking

Zvi Harry Perper has been charged with multiple counts of racketeering, drug trafficking and conspiracy. The charges carry a possible penalty of 490 years in prison.

Abortionist Zvi Harry Perper was the killer on duty at the EPOC Clinic in Orlando in 2005 when Baby Rowan was born alive and left to die. He was disciplined for performing a botched abortion in 2003 and has been under investigation for dispensing large amounts of pain killers through a “pill mill” in Delray Beach, a Fort Lauderdale suburb.

Perper is yet another abortionist who has worked at one of James Pendergraft’s chain of five late term abortion clinics in Florida who has been charged with a felony. The list now includes:

  1. Abortionist James Pendergraft (extortion)
  2. Abortionist Walker Whaley (conspiracy to manufacture synthetic cocaine)
  3. Abortionist Randall Whitney (aggravated battery)
  4. Abortionist Zvi Harry Perper (racketeering, drug trafficking)

According to the Sun-Sentinel:

Among those charged with racketeering and drug trafficking in Wednesday’s pain clinic raids is Dr. Zvi Harry Perper, son of Broward Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Joshua Perper, who is among the leaders of the region’s ongoing battle with prescription drug abuse. Perper faces 18 counts, including racketeering, trafficking in oxycodone and conspiracy to traffic in oyxcodone, a potent pain killer.

Authorities say Dr. Zvi Harry Perper, 49, ranked 22nd in the nation among medical practitioners in ordering oxycodone, which he dispensed at the pain clinic where he worked, Delray Pain Management. Joshua Perper, Broward’s chief medical examiner since 1994, could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

For the past decade he has joined and, at times, led Broward officials in sounding the alarm against worsening prescription drug abuse and the thousands of deaths blamed on the phenomenon. Authorities blame part of the phenomenon on South Florida’s booming black market for pain pills, many of which are dispensed by pain clinics that accept only cash from clients in order to avoid state oversight.

Perper, 49, is of Romanian descent. Baby Rowan’s mom, who had her child aborted at 22 weeks and later came forward to testify about the conditions at Pendergraft’s EPOC Clinic in Orlando, described Perper as “a very fast-moving, hyperactive type of person.”

Perper had perforated a woman’s uterus at Orlando Woman’s Center in 2003 requiring a hysterectomy. He was subject to disciplinary action for “substandard care, incompetence or negligence” on February 12, 2008:

Nature of Complaint: The physician upon performing a termination of a patient’s pregnancy through dilation and curettage severely perforated the patient’s uterus and deposited materials including the fetus and placenta into the patient’s lower abdominal cavity. The patient was subsequently transferred to a medical center where another physician removed the fetus and placenta from the patient’s abdominal cavity and due to the severe perforation of the patient’s uterus performed a hysterectomy.

An article in the Broward Palm Beach News on May 14, 2010, exposed Perper’s pain pill clinic. According to the Palm Beach Post, the clinic was founded by convicted heroin and cocaine trafficker, Vincent Colangelo.

Broward County Medical Examiner Joshua Perper has warned us about the dangers of pain clinics. Last June, he was in the Miami Herald talking about the dangers of doctor shopping, where people go to numerous clinics to stockpile pills like oxycodone, Xanax, and Valium.

“It’s almost impossible to monitor different people shopping doctors,’‘ Perper told the newspaper. “A person can get hundreds or thousands of pills.” He went on to talk about the explosion in oxycodone-related deaths, which ballooned to 171 in Broward County in 2008, more than double the figure from 2005. In the Sun-Sentinel, he warned of how those using the pain clinics are consuming deadly cocktails of pills.

What Perper didn’t reveal was that his son, physician Zvi Harry Perper, is himself in the pain pill business. Harry Perper dispenses pain medication at a clinic on Swinton Avenue in Delray Beach called Delray Pain Management LLC. The clinic was founded in early 2009 by a convicted drug smuggler named Kenneth Murry. Harry Perper is listed as a manager of the clinic.

In yet another ironic twist, Joshua Perper was the coroner who did the autopsy report on Anna Nicole Smith, the Playboy model who died from an overdose of prescription medication, a bizarre case that has prompted numerous conspiracy theories.

DEA agent Keigh Barker, right, escorts abortionist Zvi Harry Perper, son of the Broward Medical Examiner Dr. Joshua A. Perper, to a awaiting police car after his Delray Pain Management clinic was raided by agents on February 23, 2010.

The LA Times has an good article and video of these “mafia doctors” who were arrested last week for running “pill mills” in south Florida. The article makes note of Perper’s other career as a child killer.

Perper began working at the pain clinic after he was fined $10,000 by the state in 2008 for a botched abortion in Orlando, according to state records.

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The video shows the lavish lifestyle that Vincent Colangelo, the ring leader of the drug traffickers, lived for the past few years prior to finally being indicted last week. There is also a good shot of Harry Perper being led away in handcuffs at the end of the video. Colangelo became Perper’s boss in 2008.

Jacksonville’s First Coast News has a revealing video of “Pill Mill Vinny” exhibiting thuggish behavior when confronted by investigative reporters in May, 2010.

Jacksonville a Source for Illegal Prescription Drug Business, Clinics

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By Jackelyn Barnard

JACKSONVILLE, FL – It’s hard to tell what’s inside the building. There’s no name on the door, no sign outside either. Moments later, a man comes out upset to find a reporter on a public street near that unmarked building.

“I’m gonna tell you what, man, you don’t get this thing out of my face, it will be part of your face,” he said.

The man refuses to give his name, but a First Coast News investigation has revealed that he is Vincent Colangelo, a convicted felon. Police said he is just one part of a growing problem in Florida.

When asked if he owned the building or was a doctor, Colangelo said, “It doesn’t matter who I am. I don’t need you out here harassing my patients. I’m not answering your questions… I’m gonna break this camera. I’m gonna rip this thing out of this kid’s hand in a minute. Turn the camera off.”

Bail set at $900,000 for doctor charged in pill mill sweep

Dr. Zvi Harry Perper, who is the son of Broward County Medical Examiner Joshua Perper, was arrested at the Delray Beach Pain Management at 102 N. Swinton Ave. on Feb. 23, 2011. Perper has worked at the clinic since 2009, which was started that year by Kent Murry, a convicted drug smuggler and career criminal. An attorney for Murry later said he sold the clinic to his office manager but still maintained a presence in the building. DEA records show Perper was the only doctor registered to prescribe drugs from the Delray Beach clinic.

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By Michael LaForgia, Palm Beach Post Staff Writer, March 1, 2011

WEST PALM BEACH — A judge today set bail for a doctor accused of enriching himself by recklessly prescribing powerful painkillers at $900,000 and ordered him held on house arrest, among other conditions.

Dr. Zvi Harry Perper, son of Broward County Medical Examiner Joshua Perper, remained in the Palm Beach County Jail on Tuesday night, records show. Should he go free on bond, he also agreed not to practice medicine or write prescriptions while his criminal case is pending, said his attorney, Richard Lubin.

Perper was among 17 people charged last week as part of “Operation Pill Nation,” a joint effort by local, state and federal drug agents to crack down on crooked pain clinics.

He faces state charges of racketeering, conspiracy and drug trafficking related to his work for Delray Pain Management, a medical office founded in 2009 by a convicted drug smuggler who also was arrested last week.

Lubin said his client worked at a legitimate business and gave thorough medical exams to each patient.

“We have a very strong defense,” Lubin said, adding: “One of the hallmarks that law enforcement has set forth to prove that something is more of a ‘pill mll’ or illegal clinic is the number of out-of-state license plates. Here, the policy was that no one would be serviced if they were from out of state.”


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