The Forerunner

The Fourth Political Theory in Biblical Perspective: An Introduction

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The Fourth Political Theory in Biblical Perspective

Imagine if you lived in Western Europe 500 years ago and someone told you that an explorer had just circumnavigated the world. There are newly discovered vast continents to the West and East and huge civilizations that people have never encountered. What if they tried to explain the coming changes in world trade, world reserve currencies, joint-stock investment capitalism, global banking systems, the Internet? What about the Protestant Reformation, Enlightenment science, constitutional government, Liberal democratic republics? You might have scratched your head and thought you were talking to a crazy person.

Things we take as mundane reality today would have been thought of as wonders just a few years ago. Few people today understand that we are on the cusp of a monumental shift in worldview, politics, and civilizational culture that is at least as great as the changes we saw in the West beginning in the 1500s. Of course, change happens all the time, but most live as though the world we see is the only one possible. Innovations on the level described above are inconceivable. These coming tectonic quakes will shift civilizational politics. These changes are coming as fast as they began to come 500 years ago.

Are you ready, Christian, to weather the earth-shaking changes? Are you ready to lead?

This book came about because I read three books that helped me form a more cohesive worldview on geopolitics.

In reading Dalio two years ago, I realized for the first time how much the people who control the banking and exchange systems of the West control the world order and geopolitics. A few people with control of the reserve currency for the past 500 years have been able to conduct frequent resets of the world trade based economy and direct wars to secure their financial interests.

As Ray Dalio describes, the 80 to 100-year cycle always begins with new vistas of economic trade and evolves into protection of these trade alliances through navies and military bases. Expansion continues into unheralded sums of liabilities held by the world reserve currency empire. Once it all gets too expensive, the world reserve currency is softened on the backs of trade partners who bear the brunt of inflation even while paying an exchange fee for the privilege and necessity of using the reserve currency. Inevitably, the world order is challenged by emerging competitors and partners and this leads to ever more expensive wars.

The IMF and the World Bank has been behind most of the conflicts in “New World Order” of the past 30 years. Quite a bit of organized murder (war) is also directed by billionaire oligarchs through Western NGOs, think tanks, and international forums who have a “stake” in the financial world order.

If you spoke to me about this even five years ago, and prefaced it by mentioning George Soros and the Davos Forum, I’d say you were a conspiracy-driven pessimillennialist nut ball.

However, it’s not a secret conspiracy. It’s quite out in the open. For example, Soros has a position paper from 1992 on his website, which describes in some detail the rationales behind what became the “Ukraine Project.” The underlying idea is that in order to keep the Western economy expanding, we need access to Russia’s $74 trillion in natural resources. The Russian government would soon become powerful again and the West would need to weaken that government in order to gain access to its vast resources.

The problem is that Russia is a nuclear power. So the West can’t simply fight a war against Russia. Even a limited war would involve killing US troops. That is always unpopular. But we must maintain our expanding financial economy by installing a Western-leaning government in Moscow to help us to grab its resources. Instead of killing Americans, we could use a smaller non-NATO country on Russia’s border to destabilize the government and bring regime change in collusion with Western NGOs and CIA pysops within. This is all spelled out by Soros in position papers as early as 1993.

Simply, keep Russia in check by enlarging NATO. Use poor Eastern European countries to do NATO’s dirty work.

These articles by Soros are buried in a non-searchable blog at the end of a long feed. Here are the URLs to two of them. You have to read all the way to the end of this one and make a few inferences along the way. But it’s in the open — plain for all to see — despite the denials of Soros’ cadre of Liberal “fact checkers.”

Toward a New World Order: The Future of NATO

… the combination of manpower from Eastern Europe with the technical capabilities of NATO would greatly enhance the military potential of the Partnership because it would reduce the risk of body bags for NATO countries, which is the main constraint on their willingness to act. ~ George Soros, 1993

In other words, just use Ukraine’s young men as expendable meat to kill Russians to bring about public unrest in order to keep a great power from emerging apart from the West’s control. This has been echoes from US’ own neocon senators, such as Lindsey Graham and Mitt Romney, who think the money spent on the Ukraine conflict is “the best money ever spent” because Ukrainians, not Americans, are dying in order to weaken our “adversary.”

As early as 1995, Soros believed that Ukraine had to be integrated within NATO and the EU in order to keep the Russia from emerging as a great power.

See: Toward Open Societies

Admittedly, there will be many conflicts in and around the former Soviet empire. How those conflicts are resolved will depend greatly on the character of the societies concerned. Realism will be as much the outcome of the internal evolution of those societies as its determinant. For instance, the economic and political collapse of Ukraine would practically ensure the reemergence of Russia as an imperial power. Conversely, the survival of Ukraine as a functioning, market-oriented democratic country would help push Russia in the same direction.

Note the goal is to keep Russia from reemerging because it would become an “imperial power.” This is just assumed. It is not admitted that the United States as the sole super power in the world — the hyper power — could be seen as an empire. It is just assumed that Russia must be suppressed. This is all done in the name of the “Open Society” and “democracies fighting autocracies.” These so-called “democracies” are simply smaller nations that are controlled by the US financial elite.

The CIA began immediately working against the new Russian Federation in 1992 by funding drug cartels an jihadists in the Causasus Region and Central Asia— such as in Grozny, Chechnya, and other places — stirring up civil wars there. These were regions that prior to the Soviet Union had a tenuous relationship withing the Russian Empire. These tensions erupted after the fall of communism and Western intelligence agencies stoked the fires. That caused chaos, terrorism and a flood of refugees into Russia for several years.

Then Putin emerged in 1999 as prime minister — a brilliant yet brutal strongman — who was able to quickly end the Chechen conflict and eventually backing a stable governor/president in Ramzan Kadyrov by pouring in huge investments in rebuilding Grozny and giving the region a measure of autonomy. Putin became so popular for ending the centuries-old Chechen conflict that he bested the communists and nationalists in the first round of the 2000 presidential elections with an outright majority support of the Russian people. His approval ratings have never dropped since then.

So in 2004, the Ukrainian government was toppled and a EU/NATO leaning government under President Viktor Yushchenko was installed through a collusion of Western and Ukrainian oligarchs. However, the economy of Ukraine was so tied to Russia, that this didn’t work. Russia’s economy continued to thrive until 2008 and Ukraine’s growth exactly mirrored it. Eventually a rival Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovitch, was elected in 2010 who slowly began to build ties with Russia instead of the EU. Yanukovitch also participated in his own corrupt “pay to play” schemes with the West as well and became unpopular with the Ukrainian people.

The US in the meantime had turned to the east, and installed a mafia drug cartel in Georgia to replace a government that had previously invited the Russian military into the autonomous regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia to quell ethnic violence there. When the drug cartel criminal president Mikheil Saakashvili (look him up — he’s a bad guy by everyone’s estimation) turned on Russia, ethnic violence erupted again along the border, and Russia quickly put a stop to it in a short campaign in 2008, the last year of Putin’s second term. This was spun by the West as Putin’s “invasion of Georgia” and the fast-emerging economy was hit with crippling sanctions. Instead of caving, Putin let the ruble “float” against the dollar and began preparing for an all-out economic war with the West.

That led us to 2014 with another CIA/NGO funded color revolution in Kiev. That led to the accession of Crimea to Russia — which has always wanted autonomy from Ukraine since the early 1990s. The IMF then ordered the criminal oligarch and newly installed president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko to launch an “anti-terrorist operation” against Russian separatists in Donbas.

This was after several years of collusion between the Obama-Biden-Clinton axis to try to bribe Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (2009-2012) to turn toward becoming a Western puppet like Yeltsin (symbolized by the Clinton “RESET-OVERLOAD” button gaffe). Then when that didn’t work, Clinton-Biden set about to try to push Ukraine toward a military conflict with Russia.

Trump was a brief reprieve from the Deep State “Ukraine Project,” but he was derailed from negotiating peace in Ukraine by the Russia Collusion hoax — by the Clintons who ACTUALLY were involved with deep Russian and Ukrainian collusion. Trump’s great error is that he didn’t put Hillary in prison.

The Unipolar Financial Economy vs. The Multipolar Real Sector Economy

The deeper problem is that the financial economy needs an ever-expanding amount of currency, which is created by banks issuing debt. Every time debt is issued, new money is created, and people betting on the markets, such as George Soros, make billions of dollars by literally skimming the cream off of the inflated markets. The British public absorbed the loss through devalued currency and inflation. This is how the financial economy works to enrich oligarchs.

See: How Did George Soros Break the Bank of England?

The problem comes because in order to pay off the debt every time new money is created and the currency is devalued, interest must also be paid. But this is also money that does not yet exist. The amount of interest owed on the debt per year is now so immense that it’s consuming 40% of all personal income taxes. So some of that money too must be created by issuing debt, which is financed by the debt holders who invest in bonds and notes. Thus there is always a never ending supply of created money and an always increasing national, state, and private debt. There are a number of problems with continuing money creation and debt indefinitely, which I cover in my book, but it is easy to see on its face that it can’t last forever.

It is essentially a big Ponzi scheme. Just ask George Soros, who is at the head of the pyramid.

Everyone accepts the financial economic system including Trump who recently reiterated a common myth. No inflation is a bad thing. A little inflation is good. You always want a little inflation because it means the economy is growing. This was after claiming his administration had no inflation and promising to completely wipe out inflation. Not only is this a contradiction, but it ignores that America was on the gold standard from 1792 until 1964 and had no net inflation in 172 years. But don’t mind the facts — this is Trumpism.

All of this assumes that the financial economy is sustainable indefinitely. The Ponzi scheme can go on forever. To do that, the US will eventually have to harvest the economy of China — the largest economy in the world. So there are intrigues around Taiwan with bought elections, and preparations for a US/China war by 2027.

We’ll also have to contain Iran from becoming a core state of Persian states with its vast resources and huge youth population of over a million people. So the Indo-Iranians must be cast as barbarian pariah nations. And we must make war against them using Israel as a proxy.

This is nothing new. The British Empire in the 1800s began the policy of destablilizing and controlling the Middle East nations so the trade with India through the Suez could not be threatened. This was done by pitting one strongman against another until he became too strong, then switching sides. This has continued through US/NATO endless wars in Northern Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia.

BRICS+ would like to form a new global order — a fairer world order — that would allow nations to emerge with a shared real sector economy — an exchange system and common currency tied to gold or commodities — that cannot be weaponized or controlled by one nation. Many of these emerging nations in Africa and the Global have huge resource potentials, the largest youth population in the world. They also have been experiencing the largest Christian revivals in history in the past 50 to 70 years.

BRICS+ is meeting in Kazan, Russia next week to signal the end of Western neoliberal unipolar hegemony and herald the advent to the multipolar world order.

What does this have to do with postmillennialist optimism?

Quite a bit.

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