Puritan Storm Rising!

Articles by Andrew Sandlin

A word of explanation is needed about these articles. The Puritan Storm was essentially the brain-child of Jeff Ziegler, President of Christian Evangelistic Endeavors, Reformation Bible Institute, and Moderator of the Association of Free Reformed Churches. Although the publication never appeared in print, we have had a lot of response to these provocative articles on-line.

Jeff Ziegler’s vision for the publication was as follows: “Thousands of Christians (including hundreds of pastors, full-time ministers and Christian workers) will be receiving The Puritan Storm. A growing number of Christians will be introduced to the neo-Puritan revival which is now in its ascendancy. This publication will teach charismatics and evangelicals the biblical principles for the reformation of America.

“Our goal is to use The Puritan Storm as a tool in the conversion of the American church from a slumbering, pietistic, wrecked vessel into a fully articulated Puritan fighting machine that will establish Christ as the Lord of this nation. All areas of civil politics and spiritual service will be explored in this periodical.”

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