1983 - The 1980s: Decade for ASIA!
The 1980s are truly going to be a decade of destiny. Besides being a time when more people will be saved than at any other period in history, this decade will be one that focuses on the movement of the…
Read moreThe 1980s are truly going to be a decade of destiny. Besides being a time when more people will be saved than at any other period in history, this decade will be one that focuses on the movement of the…
Read morevictim (vic’ tim) noun a person who suffers from a destructive or injurious action or agency: a victim of an automobile accident. a person who is deceived or cheated, as by his or her own emotions or ignorance, by the…
Sixteen noted Christian leaders and scholars apply the Ten Commandments to American life.
Explodes the myths of the liberal critics and the movies, books and television programs that have popularized their views.
The Model of Christian Liberty. This DVD includes “Dawn’s Early Light: A Brief History of America’s Christian Foundations” and bonus features.