Florida Pro-life Network – Pro-life Unity meeting

[video no longer available]

Here is a pro-life rally that Daria Monroe of Pro-life Unity Florida put together this month with John Stemberger of Florida Family Policy Council and John Ensor of Heartbeat International. In the beginning, you will hear from the pro-life community of central Florida — a group I loosely call “The Florida Pro-life Network.”

Halfway through (you can scroll ahead to about 36:00 minutes) Leah Ramirez talks about the burgeoning pro-life movement in Orlando. Please take few minutes and hear this woman’s heart as I believe she has a vital message about what God is about to do in our city, state and nation.

I have been hoping and praying for a new wave of pro-life activism in my city for several years, so I am greatly encouraged by this. We get a sense that God is about to do something significant in energizing the church for a time of Revival. As Leah points out, any “revival” movement that tolerates the sheding of innocent blood is a false movement. For anyone who wanted to be there but missed the meeting, here is a way to see and hear the whole thing.

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