God’s Law and Society Study Guide available for free download

A few years ago, I produced a video series called, God’s Law and Society with Eric Holmberg and Reel to Real Ministries.

The video was an outgrowth of a web site I created with on-line streaming interviews with ten Christian leaders, we called it: The Second American Revolution.

Once the website was created, I wrote brief introductions and conclusions to each “program.” We added a half dozen more participants to our “panel of experts” and produced a ten part, four hour long video presentation. It wasn’t too difficult to put together a study guide after that. For the past few years, the guide has existed only in electronic text format as a Microsoft Word file. I’ve emailed this people who bought the video when they requested it.

Last month, I bought the Adobe Creative Suite which has enabled me to offer this in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. The Study Guide can be used as a companion to the video series or by itself.

Download your free copy at: https://www.forerunner.com/pdf/glsbook.pdf

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