Revival? … Or Spiritual Revolution? (Part 2)

The problem with some Christians is that they see “revival” as a mystical or highly personal spiritual experience. Revival has this element to it, but it cannot stop there. It must be carried out into all the world around us. Jesus did not call us simply to be “in the world but not of it.” He called us to be transformers of the world system. The sad fact is that most adult Christians have already missed their call to spiritual awakening. The vast majority of church-going America is too culturally irrelevant to be used of God to transform our society. In the meantime, our nation’s young people are ready to receive their marching orders. Can we move beyond our own pietistic foolishness to see the need and act as Joshua and Caleb who led a generation of revived youth into the land of promise?

Most adults do not believe that America can be transformed into a Christian nation. We see the reality of evil and lose heart. We have become as “grasshoppers in the eyes of giants.” This was the attitude that Joshua and Caleb confronted in the wilderness. God told Joshua and Caleb that they and the younger generation under 20 years of age would be the ones to go into the Promised Land because they had wholeheartedly followed God. They had full faith and belief in God that He could defeat all of their enemies once they went into the Promised Land to conquer and possess it.

Do you have the faith of Joshua and Caleb? Are you able to stand with the youth of the current generation? Are you ready to be used to lead an army of young people? Do you want to know what the plan of God is? Do you feel an urging to do something that can be used of God even though most Christians around you are fearful to upset the world system? The only effective plan of action is from God’s Word itself. God will begin to unfold His plan if you will simply covenant yourself with God’s purposes revealed in scripture.

Covenant Prayer: A plan to reclaim the promises of God for our generation

Covenant prayer is a method of praying whole passages from the Bible that contain God’s promises to His people. As you begin to read the scriptures, look for prophecies concerning Israel that are applicable to what you see around you today. As you begin to pray these scriptures, they will come alive and you will be inspired to believe great things for your nation. Every book of the Bible contains covenantal promises, but there are two places that are paticularly rich.

If you will spend just a few minutes each day not just reading but praying and meditating on the following passages, see if God does not give you a vision for revival in our time.

1. Isaiah chapters 52,66
2. Deuteronomy chapters 28,29


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The Model of Christian Liberty. This DVD includes “Dawn’s Early Light: A Brief History of America’s Christian Foundations” and bonus features.

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