The Clinton Mandate?

How was the 1992 election decided?

The electoral college landslide that put Bill Clinton into office – 370 votes to President George Bush’s 168 – was the largest Democratic victory since 1964. Looking at the popular vote, however, the election was decided by a closer margin – 5.5 million votes – or five percent. It was the closest election since 1976.

Essentially, the 1992 presidential election was decided by 45
percent of the self-identified Christian community, who voted in favor of abortion and special privileges for homosexuals.

The Clinton victory is particularly sour to those who supported Bush’s pro-life, pro-family stances. According to a Christian Coalition exit survey, 25 percent of all voters in 1992 identified themselves as white evangelical Christians – or 25 million voters. Only 55 percent of these voters supported George Bush. The rest were divided: 28 percent supported Clinton; and 17 percent, Perot.

This election stood in stark contrast to 1988, when Bush received 88 percent of the Christian vote. This year over eight million Christians switched over to Clinton or Perot, candidates who support abortion on demand and homosexual rights. If this same group had supported Bush in 1992, he would have won by three million votes.

Looking at the electoral college, there were 10 states that supported Clinton with a margin of less than five percent. If the Christian/conservative voters in these states had supported Bush the way they did in 1988, and he had galvanized stronger support in his home state of Maine (where Perot almost surpassed Bush), the president would have eked out a narrow electoral college victory.

Before the Christian/conservative coalition congratulates itself for remaining the strongest force in the Republican Party, we should recognize that we, the people of God, may have brought the curses of Deuteronomy 28 on our nation. These scriptures deplore sodomy and infant sacrifice as abominations in the eyes of God, and assure the nation of Israel that they would be annihilated if they practiced this type of idolatry.

For the so-called evangelicals who voted for Clinton or Perot, this is extraordinarily bad.

“For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God and if it first begin at us, what shall be the end of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?” (1 Peter 4:17,18).

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