The Story of Liberty

A Book Review

Charles Carleton Coffin, Maranatha Publications, 415 pages – High Quality Paperback

The Story of Liberty explains the “why” of America. It is the story of 500 years of progress from the signing of the Magna Carta to the signing of the Mayflower Compact upon the Pilgrims’ arrival at Plymouth.

This powerful classic provides the missing link in understanding America’s Christian history. It helps the Declaration of Independence make sense. It helps the Constitution make sense. It helps the story of America to make sense. First printed shortly after America’s 100th birthday, in 1876, The Story of Liberty lays the ground work for children to understand the price paid for Liberty, to understand its value and why our founding fathers did all they could to protect it.

The Story of Liberty is educational; it brings ideas and principles to children in a simple, life-like manner. But adults can also benefit from it – many can hardly put it down once they start reading. It is both enjoyable and powerful. It shows what makes America different: the hand of God laying the foundation of our nation.

Publisher Rose Weiner’s children begged her to keep reading it. Her daughter Stephanie cried when Rose read the story of John Huss being burned at the stake. “Why did liberty cost so much?” she asked. Rose’s son, John David, wondered if he could do what Huss had done.

For the first time they understood what liberty cost and what it was worth.

We are free today because of what these men and women did. Children today need Godly heroes. They need men and women of valor to imitate. This is what the Story of Liberty is about.

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