Twenty-six lead soldiers


“Give me 26 lead soldiers and I will conquer the world.”

A) Andrew Jackson
B) George C. Patton
C) Douglas MacArthur
D) Benjamin Franklin

The Answer: Benjamin Franklin!

Franklin knew that a printing press loaded with the 26 letters of the alphabet had more power than loaded guns when it came to revolution. So did Karl Marx. The world hasn’t yet recovered from the changes he began with only ink and paper.

The printed word is a powerful medium; a God-given invention designed to fuel a different type of revolution. Centuries after Gutenburg invented the moveable type to produce the Bible, the printing press is still one of the most strategic, front-line weapons ever created for dispersing truth in a deep and enduring way. Christian literature still helps to fuel revolution all over the world.

Today we are on the brink of a new revolution: one that will involve cutting-edge technologies such as the personal computer, fiber-optics networks, digitalized sound and video, satellite transmissions and even holographic images.

In the days of America’s First Great Awakening to the time of the American Revolution to today, the written word has remained all important. It is the foundation for every form of transmitted knowledge. The literature that is about to emerge will not be persuasive words of wisdom, but words that demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit – God’s writing fire!

We will soon witness the emergence of the world’s greatest and most influential literature – literature that will captivate the heart of the common people and confront them with the reality of Jesus Christ. The ungodly philosophies of men like Marx, Darwin and Nietzsche will be driven off the face of the earth.

The Bible declares that Christian ideology will ultimately rule the whole world … but this conquest will not be forced on people as in the manner of political systems. This ideology will come by being expounded in written words. As it was said in the time of Israel’s King David, it will be said of our generation:

“The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.”

- Psalms 68:11, KJV


I thought it was Karl Marx that said that. It does not matter because God will have the last word.

This quote is wrongly attributed to many people and indeed those people may have said the words but the original is much older. So old that the first recorded version stated ‘25’ lead soldiers because the letter J hadn’t become an offical letter yet. Also, it’s probably french in origin.

It was actually Johannes Gutenberg that said that

THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT made by Johannes Gutenberg.

From Germany.


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