Scottish Revival

EDINBURGH, Scotland (FR) – A billboard in the Scottish capital city of Edinburgh reads “Scotland Awakens to God! Thirty Years of Decline Are Over!” One might expect such a message to be broadcast from a small, enthusiastic church. But this billboard sits in front of the headquarters of the Church of Scotland. Christian spokesmen within the mainline denomination as well as evangelical leaders from other churches all agree that Scotland is now experiencing the beginnings of a national revival.

Scotland has experienced revival in every century since 1500. According to church leader David Anderson, “Apart from minor and more limited awakenings such as the Welsh Revival of 1904 and the Lewis Revival of 1949-50, this is in fact the first century since the Reformation when Britain has not known the outpouring of the Spirit.” Anderson then added, “Is this mere coincidence, or could it be that in the last decade of the 20th century we are going to witness across the face of our land a movement of God on a greater scale than any experienced in a previous time?”

Although church attendance has been on the decline in Scotland in recent years, reports are now surfacing that the growth of Christian churches and ministries is now accelerating. This has been accompanied by a renewal of interest in prayer for national revival. For example, plans are now being implemented to set up weekly and monthly prayer breakfasts for Christians in each of the 56 local government districts in Scotland. In Edinburgh each month hundreds of Christians meet together to pray for the city and revival. Just last Easter the city’s largest concert hall was filled with more than 2000 Christians praying for revival.

Anderson, who leads a congregation in the Gorgie area of Edinburgh, reports that an early morning prayer meeting in his church – which began in January of this year – has now moved to a large hall because of the increased interest in prayer. Miraculous events have accompanied the movement; in Sutherland, a mother was recently converted after hearing her small son pray for her for almost two hours. In the Highlands, a man with no church connection was literally “smitten by the power of God and deeply convicted of his sins.”

Anderson, who released this report added, “The fact is that, during the past 20 years and all over Scotland, in villages, towns, and cities, hundreds of praying groups have sprung up on a scale unprecedented in this century.”


I am a Baptist minister from the state of Oklahoma, USA. I have been praying for Scotland for several years. I have written two books on revivals in Scotland. “Catch the Wind” concerns the Lewis Revival of 1949-53. “The Land God Chose to Love “ concerns ten glorious revivals on the Isle of Lewis in the last 180 years. May God send revival to Scotland and to America.

I am the Founder of the American Fellowship of Home Churches. The Lord recently sent us back to Scotland, where my wife is from, in order to check out the spiritual landscape of the nation. The Lord showed us some exciting things that are happening in the spirit and is causing a hunger and thirst to rise up in His people once again. Something which He showed us back in 2004 as well. We are excited and are praying and interceding for the church there. We are also working with some people there in order to encourage and support them for what is about to happen. The Lion of Scotland is arising and will be all that the Father has called them to be. Be Blessed!!!

There is an expectation and faith for Revival! The former and latter rains that will see the Lord’s return. Scotland will arise to be a light, example and witness of the Glory of God.

I am a Youth and Student Pastor. I Pastor over 4000 youths and Students. I recently visited London England. As I was praying with a British Pastor on a Sunday morning, The Name Scotland came with piecing conviction. I sensed a visitation on Scotland. This coming soon. That is how I found this page. Lord send Revival to Scotland and the United Kingdom in Jesus name.

Been Studying Derek Prince and praying and working for revival in the US/UK…I’m in England for two weeks and looking for signs…it’s happening

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