Baguio City, Philippines experiences revival

BAGUIO CITY, Philippines (FR) – Baguio City, dubbed the summer capital of the Philippine Islands as well as the psychic center of the nation, is experiencing its first true spiritual revival. “The psychics use snakes for healings,” said Alden Manamtam, an evangelist with Maranatha Campus Ministries, “and they have conducted healings that have been documented by medical doctors.” The psychics are world-renowned for healing tumors and other miracles.

However, Baguio is now witnessing the supernatural miraculous power of God – rather than a demonic counterfeit. Manamtam led a team of Filipinos and Australians into Baguio in late February to minister to university students. Miraculous healings took place nightly during the outreach meetings which were held in the Lion’s Club and the Baguio Community Center, the largest auditorium in the city. “A girl with a deformed neck was healed,” said Manamtam. She had never seen a miracle and was overwhelmed that God would do a miracle for her. “She was so touched that she cried for half an hour.” Students were also healed of bronchitis, allergies, heart murmurs, and other ailments.

The team held “Campus 89” meetings with Joe Fabergas, a well-known contemporary Filipino musician along with popular Indonesian recording artist Bram Manusama. “A karate fighter who was very violent was saved,” Manamtam added. Manamtam led the team for the first two weeks and was followed by Maranatha evangelist Rice Broocks. During one of Broocks’ meetings, Jett Bunay, the president of the University of Baguio’s student council, was saved. “Rice boldly told him that he was running away from God,” said Jojo Henson, pastor of the Baguio fellowship, “and he came forward and gave his life to Jesus.”

Bunay surprised his political opponents by challenging them to follow Jesus, and several responded and became Christians. About 120 were baptized recently, and are joining the new Maranatha Church in Baguio,” said Henson. The church is reaching out to St. Louis University, University of the Philippines, Baguio Colleges Foundation, the University of Baguio and Pines College.


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