Azima, Ali Asghar (owner, verified) – North Fort Myers


Southwest Florida Women’s Clinic
710 Pondella Rd Ste 12
North Fort Myers, FL 33903
Phone: 239-995-1111

Other address:

Venice Women’s Health Ctr Inc
21178 Olean Blvd Ste C
Port Charlotte, FL 33952

DOB: 12/22/1933

CorporationWiki map

Dr. Ali Azima in his office at the Southwest Florida Women's Clinic in North Fort Myers. Azima, who is a Muslim, says protesters are trying impose their religious beliefs on him and as such are violating his constitutional rights

Sheriff Aids Anti-Abortion Protesters, Condemns Doctor

Feminist Wire | Daily Newsbriefs, January 20, 1998

Lee County Sheriff John McDougall of Florida denied assistance to an abortion doctor whose clinics were being ambushed by protesters, stating instead that he would “assist the protesters.” Dr. Ali Azima had sent a letter to McDougall concerning a prayer vigil and other incidents that were being held outside his clinics. McDougall responded that he would uphold his duty to protect all citizens, “even a baby killer like yourself,” and went on to add that his office would “do everything within our power to assist the protesters who wish to protect the misguided mothers who come to your clinic of death.”

Abortion doctor and protesters stand their ground at Fort Myers clinic

Naples Daily News – Monday, June 14, 1999

Azima’s clinic serves as the site of a local battleground on which the war on abortion is fought almost daily, a war marked not by big battles but with small skirmishes. For the better part of two decades, a small brigade of protesters has stood guard outside the clinic on days abortions are performed. But in recent weeks, this quiet war has made itself heard – one protester and Azima have filed battery charges against each other, and a Fort Myers man was arrested for allegedly attempting to run over protesters with his car two weeks ago.
The battles show no signs of ceasing – both sides say they don’t plan to quit their respective practices.

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My previous post failed to give credit where credit is due. This post will give some , but not all , persons credit for allowing or opening the door for the hijacking and crashes of 9/11 , the anthrax letters, and sponsoring the subsequent cover-up of these crimes.

Continued once again. should long be remembered as “The Cradle of the 9/11 and Anthrax Attacks of 2001.” their share of credit for not preventing the 2001 attacks and for the massive cover-up and distortions that followed. And Lee County

Good evening Jay, Are you willing to post more information about the 2001 Anthrax Letters? Best, Chris

Kathy Nguyen was the New York City hospital worker who died from inhalation anthrax infection in the Fall of 2001. She may have known another medical worker from many years earlier at Lutheran Hospital in New York City who is believed to be responsible for the Anthrax Letters. If Ms. Nguyen was the person who put these letters in the mail in Trenton, N.J.,then I suspect that the FBI has discovered and destroyed the evidence of her travel there.

Good afternoon Jay, After Dr. Bruce Ivins was dead, the FBI declared this Army scientist to be the person guilty of sending the Anthrax Letters. Since this was contrary to the information I had furnished the U.S. Department of Justice. I thought it best to double check the FBI’s facts. So I visited Frederick, Md.,Ivins’ hometown, twice. There I talked with people with information and opinions about the investigation. Nobody thought that Bruce Ivins was responsible for the anthrax attacks. They felt that the scientist had been unmercifully tormented by the FBI. There were two stories: one was that the FBI tried to bribe Ivins’ son to give false testimony about his father. If he agreed to do so, he could have the sports car of his choice. The other story was even more ominous for Dr. Ivins. Supposedly, the FBI had discovered that the scientist had rented a post office box in a fake name. Hewas said to be getting pornography there. The FBI was taunting him: We’ll tell your wife about this if you won’t confess. Ivins’ wife was a very devout Roman Catholic. Such information coming from the FBI , whether true or not,would destroy his marriage and family relationship. This was more than Ivins could endure. So he killed himself. I left Frederick knowing that the DOJ had received the correct information from me.

Good afternoon Jay, After Dr. Bruce Ivins was dead, the FBI declared this Army scientist to be the person guilty of sending the Anthrax Letters. Since this was contrary to the information I had furnished the U.S. Department of Justice. I thought it best to double check the FBI’s facts. So I visited Frederick, Md.,Ivins’ hometown, twice. There I talked with people with information and opinions about the investigation. Nobody thought that Bruce Ivins was responsible for the anthrax attacks. They felt that the scientist had been unmercifully tormented by the FBI. There were two stories: one was that the FBI tried to bribe Ivins’ son to give false testimony about his father. If he agreed to do so, he could have the sports car of his choice. The other story was even more ominous for Dr. Ivins. Supposedly, the FBI had discovered that the scientist had rented a post office box in a fake name. He was said to be getting pornography there. The FBI was taunting him: We’ll tell your wife about this if you won’t confess. Ivins’ wife was a very devout Roman Catholic. Such information coming from the FBI , whether true or not,would destroy his marriage and family relationship. This was more than Ivins could endure. So he killed himself. I left Frederick knowing that the DOJ had received the correct information from me.

Good morning Jay, From a cost standpoint,the expense incurred for perpetrating the 9/11 terror attacks was figuratively nickels and dimes. A senior professional in this country with a cash-and -carry business could finance the entire operation himself. Especially with two Presidents of the United States and the Intelligence Agencies of this nation helping to increase his income. No foreign bankers were needed.

Good morning Jay, Let me make a few assumptions. One is that I will never know exactly what was broadcast around the World about January 22, 1998 by ABC News, CBS News, and NBC News concerning Azima and the former Sheriff of Lee County. Probably the TV accounts , from the viewpoint of the international Muslim community, made Ali Azima a hero for killing tens of thousands of small Christians. This was being done with the protection of the United States’ Supreme Court. The “Baby Killing” was being paid for by the parents of the dead children.There was likely a reaction of horror. The United States must be Satanic,its people the worst of Barbarians,evil and deserving of destruction.These broadcasts would have made recruiting Atta and the rest of the 9/11 team easy.

I caught the FBI/NSA asleep a few minutes ago. I put “ New York Post Sheriff McDougall” in the search engine. The best they could do was to give me a blank Google page for several minutes. So I came here to tell you about it. Chris

CNN did a news story a few times soon after 9/11 about the financial hub for the terrorists. The network showed what looked to be a shipping station in Punta Gorda, Charlotte County, Florida. It was not far from Azima’s home. In between his places of business at Port Charlotte and North Fort Myers.

Good evening Jay, While Atta and al-Shehhi were in Charlotte County, the only place where they could worship was with Azima at the Islamic Center. It was in an old house on Harborview Road in Port Charlotte. Close to Azima’s home, his second business, and the shipping station shown by CNN. The men would have been within feet of each other in that little building.

Good evening Jay. Since the “Baby Killing “ controversy was at the root of 9/11 and the Anthrax Attacks, plus the subsequent cover-ups, it was long overdue to correct this incredible criminal evil. So today I sent a preliminary complaint by U.S.Priority Mail to the International Criminal Court at the Hague. It asked for prosecution of Clinton, the Brothers Bush, others named in the “ Lori and Chris “ letter plus officials and judges in Lee County , Florida for more than 58 million illegal abortions performed in this Nation since 1973. There has never been truly “ Informed Consent” by the girls and women in any of these abortions. In fact, since forced and coerced abortion are allowed here, there has never been even uninformed consent in the majority of American abortions. “ Informed Consent” is required by the Nuremberg Code. That standard was used by the three American judges in the Doctors’ Trials in Germany. The main obstacle to the international prosecution of these proposed defendants is the Blackmail Database. Chris.


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