From Atheism to Knowing God

By Dr. Yiang An-Dong

I was invited to a Bible study group soon after arriving in the States. We were reading how God created the heaven and the earth and how He created Adam, the father of man, with the dust of the ground. I thought it ridiculous that science was greatly advanced and yet there were still people teaching such hilarious stories.

After I got used to the time difference and the initial adjustment, I began experiencing powerful, constant and overwhelming culture shock. I was greatly puzzled by America, the melting pot. I was beginning to feel unstable and lost. I was bothered by the cultural differences; I worried about my study, life and future; I felt uneasy about future problems such as my visa and passport extension; and I was greatly concerned about the family in Mainland China, who were struggling with rising inflation and the increasingly immoral society.

I carried a heavy burden every day as if I were trying to keep my head just above the water in a turbulent sea. Daytime at school in front of people I had to cheer myself up to look like a strong man. At night alone in my room I complained to myself about the difficulties of life, and I did not know what to do with the uncertainty of the future. I was filled with worries and concerns, but had no one to turn to. My friends, sympathetic as they might be, were unable to do anything about it.

In the beginning I went to church, Bible study, and evangelistic meetings with an opposing and critical attitude. But gradually I came to realize some fundamental differences. Those Christians came voluntarily and willingly, not just for show. I was surprised to see that they were really serious about things concerning God and life, trying their best to apply biblical teachings to their daily lives. So I adjusted my perspective. I made an effort to study the Bible and related books, attended evangelistic meetings, talked with Christians, and kept my mind busy thinking about Christianity. As a result, my questions were answered one after another.

I realized I could not keep rejecting Christianity until I knew everything about the Bible because the knowledge of mine and this world combined was still little compared to the wisdom of the Creator of the universe. How could a finite being like me be compared with the infinite God?

As I learned in the Bible study, reflected in my mind, and spent time with mature Christians, I had some breakthroughs in dealing with my questions. I found that it is more accurate to say that Christianity is a “relationship” between God and man rather than saying that it is one of the religions. What the Bible shows is the relationship between the Creator and His creation.

Since I came to believe in the Lord, through my doubts and denials I have been coming closer to Him. Each experience has brought me closer challenges and difficulties, but I am confident that I will triumph over them all because God has changed me. I know that the Almighty God is taking care of me, leading and directing me, and I know where I am going and where my eternal home is.

My personal experiences have convinced me that the Jesus I trust is true, loving, and eternally living. He is more than what I can possibly tell.

Dr. Yiang An-Dong is a medical doctor and Ph.D. candidate studying in Louisiana. Reprinted from Mainland Chinese in America … An Emerging Kinship, Edwin Su, editor, published by Ambassadors for Christ, PO Box 280, Paradise, PA 17562; (717) 687-8564 telephone, (717) 687-8891 fax

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