22 Weeks premiere in Orlando

I went to the 22 Weeks premiere in Orlando. This is a film about the Baby Rowan story.

I was asked to videotape the question and answer session after the showing. Film maker, Ángel Soto, Patte Smith of Sanctuary Ministries and John Stemberger of Florida Family Policy Council were on the panel. Three other people brought camcorders, so the resulting videos should be interesting.

It occurred to me right now that technology is making it easier for people to work together towards a cause in a grassroots manner. I have loose ties to all three of these people, but I find it interesting that the Q&A video itself is a cooperative project that will now be seen by thousands of people that cost virtually nothing but our time to put together. That could never have happened ten years ago.

For now, you need to see this series I did earlier this month based on Patte Smith’s interviews we shot in the spring of 2007.

Video: 22 Weeks premiere in Orlando
22 Weeks premiere in Orlando
Click play to connect to youtube

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