God’s Law and Society testimonies

Video: God's Law and Society testimonies
God's Law and Society testimonies
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The following these testimonies from people who have used God’s Law and Society as curriculum. This is from when the video appeaered on VHS. It’s now on DVD at a reduced price.


I used God’s Law and Society for a Sunday School class I taught. The videos are very well focused on specific issues regarding a Biblical view of civil government. As one who lobbies on the Second Amendment, I am well aware of the need for Americans, and particularly Christians, to understand that if we are to remain free, we must stand on the unalterable word of God.

- Larry Pratt
Gun Owners of America
Springfield, Virginia

Good Stuff! Profound theology packaged for the illiterate.

- Ryan Kidd
North York, Ontario, Canada

I have been viewing the videos for my own instruction, but also with a view to sharing it with my co-workers in China. It is very well done and the 20 minute sections are well suited to group instruction.

- William Moore
Little Rock, Arkansas

I have aired this video on local public access cable. I am starting a church with the Reformed Presbyterian Church in the United States (RPCUS) and love the study guide for teaching the video series.

- Val Finnell
El Paso, Texas

I thought the video was brilliant. I plan on using it for a small group setting. This is a very important subject matter. The application of the Law in a Christians’ life must be understood and it shines throughout the video. I really think you have produced one of the most important videos on Christian living.

- Steve Thomasma
Grand Rapids, Michigan

I am also looking forward to showing them with people do not yet understand the importance of God in the totality of our lives, including our government, our workplace, the education of our children and the whole of society. I am in hopes that they will begin to understand. Again, thank you very much for your work.

- Marti Goodson
Tonotosassa, Florida

We have only just begun viewing and discussing your video God’s Law and Society! Our adult cell group has for some time been studying the founding of our nation and what our forefathers, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights has had to say about our relationship and the nations when it comes to our worship and service to God. Your video addresses many of these same issues that we have been discussing and will help us to better identify what God’s Law is and how we as Americans and individual citizens and Christian church members can better serve Him in our churches and community.

- Terry Jennings
St. Augustine, Florida

I enjoyed the video tapes. It’s refreshing to see a work that takes the 10 Commandments (the heart of the moral Law of God) seriously. Those who believe that Old Testament law is invalid need to honestly answer this question. When we read the New Testament do we find the ethical standard changed from the Old Testament? Did Christ and the Apostles reveal a brand new, comprehensive, ethical system? The answer is, No, they assume one. They list sins which are merely asserted as being obviously evil. If we look for a brand new ethical system in the New Testament, we surely will be disappointed. The New Testament everywhere points us back to the Old Testament.

- Dennis Nenadov
Merlin, Ontario, Canada

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