Horizons of Hope Outreach – September 18, 2010

By Jackie Branham

For the past few years, Horizons of Hope Outreach ministry has been reaching out to the poor and needy in central Florida with a concentration on the Pine Hills area and downtown Orlando. We present the Gospel to the poor and the need for Jesus Christ to be their Lord and Savior. This is the “Permanent Need.” Then we address the temporary needs food, clothing, medicine, etc. We network with ministries and organizations to help meet those needs.

We also help churches as they attend these outreaches to network together so that they can minister to their communities in full force by bringing the message of truth, hope, forgiveness and life in Jesus Christ.

We are now networked with two important ministries that my husband and I feel go hand in hand with what we do. The pro-life ministry of The Forerunner and The Florida Abolitionist Against Human Trafficking. The churches participating in the outreach need to know about the evil that goes on daily through abortion and human trafficking in our city. This evil has its greatest impact on the lower income and minority communities. We want to make them aware that they can make a difference by uniting together within their communities. An important part of our outreach is to equip pastors and churches with the knowledge they need to fight that evil.

At our upcoming outreach, there will also be a praise band, mimes, puppets and special music. The event is free and open to the public. We encourage you to attend. Feel free to contact us. Thanks!

Outreach Location:

Faith United Church of God
4305 Lenox Avenue (Off Ivey Lane)
Orlando, FL 32811

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11:30 AM – 3:30 PM


Horizons of Hope, Inc.
1908 S. Conway Road #137
Orlando, FL 32812

Jackie Branham – 407-617-4451
Tom Branham – 407-617-4113

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