R.J. Rushdoony’s Influence and Legacy

I’ll tell you a funny story.

About 14 years ago, I was driven about an hour outside of San Juan, Costa Rica up into the mountains by a missionary friend of mine to speak to a church group of college students.

When I got there I met a guy who happened to be visiting the church. His name was Oscar and he was a young pastor from Nicaragua, which was still communistic at that time.

I told him I was from Florida and he asked me, “I know two pastors, Joseph McAuliffe and Colonel Donor, and they are from Florida. Do you know them?”

I told him that as a matter of fact I had just been at one of several Florida Reconstructionist Society conferences we held in the 1990s and they were two of the speakers along with Rushdoony.

(The DVD, God’s Law and Society, came about because of the video interviews we did at one of those conferences.)

Oscar told me he had been reading a book called Flight From Humanity by Rushdoony. It was all about neo-platonism’s destructive influence and it was challenging his worldview.

I reached into a black leather bag I used to carry with me and guess which book I pulled out?

“Do you mean this one?” I asked.

And then I thought: “Wow, what are the chances of that?”

True story.

In the mountains of Costa Rica no less.

This was probably the only person within miles who had ever heard of Rushdoony. Was it a random coincidence or a divine appointment? You tell me.

A few years after this time, I stated to hear some of the well-known leaders of the Christian Reconstructionist movement publicly say that the movement was “dead.” I disagree. I am now discovering more seminary students in their 20s than ever before who are influenced by Christian Reconstructionist thought. We are on the front slope of a tidal wave that will be felt in full force in the next ten to twenty years.


Rush was my theological mentor; hope you visit, browse our site. And call into our radio show. God bless.

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John Lofton, Editor, TheAmericanView.com
Recovering Republican
Do something on this evil "Singularity" stuff. This is total wickedness....not technology-futurism as they claim.

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