Rate of Conversions Climbing among Muslims in Kenya

Muslim hospital now offers Christian literature …

MOMBASA, Kenya (EP) – More than 1,100 Moslems in Kenya and seven neighboring middle-eastern nations have recently rejected the Koran in favor of the Christian Bible. Recent converts have expressed views in sharp contrast to Moslems who have in recent weeks demanded the death of Salman Rushdie, author of the controversial book, The Satanic Verses.

“The dispute over Salman Rushdie’s novel is viewed very differently by converted Moslems in East Africa,” said the Rev. David Stravers, spokesman for World Home Bible League (WHBL), a ministry that has targeted African Moslems for gospel outreach. When these people read the Bible they suddenly discover what they have been missing. They have had the lights turned on. They begin to understand all the harm which Satan has done by keeping them in the dark for so long.”

Moslem government officials have been alarmed by the numbers of Moslem converts to the Christian faith, reports WHBL, and have tried to stop the movement by banning outdoor religious meetings. However, the rate of conversions continues to climb, especially as a result of small home Bible study groups, which have not yet been outlawed.

In January, a major Moslem hospital in Mombasa began providing Christian literature to staff and students. Bible studies are regularly conducted on hospital grounds.

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