Alphia’s Testimony: A Tatar Muslim Finds Faith in Jesus Christ

I am Tatar and my parents consider themselves to be Muslims. About two years ago, my brother and I became believers in Jesus Christ. Our parents are not strong Muslims; they don’t go to the mosques. However, all of our relatives were against us coming to Christ. When my brother and I became Christians, our relatives called us “traitors.” Sometimes they refused to talk to us. When a Tatar comes to Christ sometimes their families will shun them. A year ago, my mother was against my Christianity, but recently she has become more quiet and she allows me to attend church.

I have been attending a church in my town in Nizhnikamsk for two years. There are about 50 people of mixed ages. Some of these people are also of Tatar background. I think that it is very important for Christian missionaries to work with the Tatar people.


may god bless you all as
you all are in light and let the light of the truth shine through you all .to amen

I love your name Alphia.
Does it have a meaning?
thanks, hayde

It’s also happen to me when I left Christian faith 10 years ago when I was 15, my family didn’t want to support my life, but thanks to Allah everything change now! 6 out 7 of my family member had join to Islamic faith… it’s God secret to change the world


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