Abortion: The Religion of Witchcraft and Child Sacrifice (OPENING)

Video: Abortion: The Religion of Witchcraft and Child Sacrifice (OPENING)
Abortion: The Religion of Witchcraft and Child Sacrifice (OPENING)
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*This is the rough cut of a future DVD release based on the script:_ Massacre of Innocence: The Occult Roots of Abortion_ by Eric Holmberg and Jay Rogers. It will be an update to the 1987 production of Massacre of Innocence.

(Sound of shutter drive)

(Photos of Pat Windle)


Patricia Baird-Windle,
Founder and owner of Aware Woman Center for Choice

You practice your religion and let me practice mine.

(Sound of shutter drive)

My religion is a holy ritual child sacrifice.

(Shot of WRCF incorporation papers.)

On August 4, 1992, two employees of Aware Woman Center for Choice, Veronica Jordan and Rebecca Morris, registered a non-profit religious corporation known as the Wiccan Religious Cooperative of Florida (WRCF). The stated purpose of the WRCF is to provide an umbrella organization for witch covens throughout the state of Florida. The incorporation papers list two abortion clinic employees as directors of the Wiccan organization. Aware Woman Center for Choice is one of Florida’s largest abortion clinics.

(Shot of book invoice)

Shortly after the Wiccan Religious Cooperative of Florida was founded, Carol Ebbing, another Aware Woman abortion clinic employee, ordered this book entitled: The Sacrament of Abortion.

(Shot of book cover The Sacrament of Abortion by Ginnette Paris)

The book, authored by Ginnette Paris, presents abortion as “a sacred act.”

(Shot of Ginnette Paris picture from Pacifica Graduate Institutes web site)

Paris calls abortion “a sacrifice to Artemis, who refuses to give life if the gift is not pure” (that is innocent or preborn life).

The January 1993 issue of the Wiccan Open Circle newsletter described the founding of the Wiccan Religious Cooperative of Florida:

(Shot of cover of newsletter Open Circle)

A year ago the dream of an umbrella group under which many covens would function and be committed to peace and harmony For The Good Of All, was just that, a dream. But now it is a reality and a very, very big part of the lives of many people.
(Shot of text from newsletter page 5)

This same newsletter, published at the time the pro-life organization, Operation Rescue National, held an event in Melbourne, Florida, alerted Central Florida area Wiccans and Pagans.

… steps are being taken to protect not only Aware Woman, but a woman’s right to choose. Work is being done mundanely, financially, and magically, to help get through the next few months and beyond.

(Shot of text from newsletter pages 6 and 7)

Readers of Open Circle were encouraged to become “clinic escorts” — and were told how they could help fund the South Brevard National Organization of Woman’s program to help low income women have abortions.

Wiccans were also encouraged to work their magic on the area surrounding the Aware Woman abortion clinic:
… many individuals and groups have been helping to magically protect the building and property … This has been done by magical and psychic shielding being put on and around the property….

Is this just one abortion clinic that happens to have ties to a witches coven? Or is it indicative of something deeper and more sinister within the abortion rights movement? In focusing on the subject of abortion, much has been contended from a medical and social perspective. But when we pull the lid off and look at abortion from a biblical and spiritual perspective, the implications are far more profound and staggering.

As we view the ties between occult religion and the abortion industry, the conclusion will become obvious. The promotion of abortion is not just a political and social issue; it is part of a religious and spiritual agenda — the religion of witchcraft and child sacrifice.

(Music, sound effects)



Hey retard,

The fetus inside you isn't your body.

Every normal human has a set of 46 chromosomes. A pregnant woman also has 46...and her child has 46. No individual has 92 chromosomes.
Therefore it isn't ONE body.

Although from your logic I suspect you might have 47 chromosomes.

And yes, the state does have a right to tell you what you can with your body, idiot. You can't use your fist to punch someone that hasn't attacked you, and you can't use it to carry out a sundry list of crimes.

You meant to say "the state can't tell me what to do TO my body," but under the coming Obamacare the government will do precisely that.

Carry on, prole.
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'child sacrifice'....ROFLMAO...dude, wake up and smell reality. Your paranoia couple with your complete and absolute ignorance of what wicca and 'witchcraft' is truly about, makes you a total laughing stock. I am not a Wiccan but I do know a little bit about it and child (or any other living thing) sacrifice is no where to be found. WOW, your gift for connecting the abstract is astounding. Man, go get some help, you seriously NEED IT. In the meantime I hope the protection on the clinic works for all time. I am a woman, and NO ONE has the right to tell ME what I can and can't do with MY body, least of all a freak like YOU.

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