Pat Windle calls me a highly-funded, sexually-repressed voyeur

Video: Pat Windle calls me a highly-funded, sexually-repressed voyeur
Pat Windle calls me a highly-funded, sexually-repressed voyeur
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In this clip from Lake of Fire by acclaimed director Tony Kaye, Aware Woman abortion clinic owner Patricia Baird-Windle is interviewed. You can see my house in the background and one of the sidewalk ministry team standing in my driveway. I owned and lived in this house across the street from the abortuary for seven years. Whenever she spoke to the press, Pat used to enjoy claiming that we were a “highly funded cadre of activists” that outnumbered her staff.

The line about the “Son of Sam” profile is also vintage Windle witchery. She was sensationally talented in getting attention this way. She helped us every time she opened her mouth in front of a camera. This clip is Pat in one of her calmer, more rational moments, relatively speaking, that is.

This was during the time when the 36-foot buffer-zone was still in effect. The injunction named Operation Rescue, Ed Martin, Bruce Cadle, Pat Mahoney, Randall Terry, Judy Madsen, Shirley Hobbs (all of whom except for Cadle lived in far away cities) and “all those acting in concert” with them.

Part of our activism was continually challenging the buffer zone until a non-politically motivated judge realized that since none of us were named in the injunction, it could not apply to us.

Pat Windle spent a small fortune shopping for a lawyer and a judge who would issue this injunction. She later cited a longer list of specific names in a frivolous lawsuit that also failed. She cites these expenditures in her book, Targets of Hatred, as one of the reasons she chose to retire rather than relocate the clinic when the state of Florida widened US Highway 1, which forced her to either move or close down. Thankfully, she chose the latter.

Another killing business from Orlando bought her clients’ list and opened up a few miles across town. After being forced to move twice when their landlords cancelled their leases in both locations, they shut down for good.

This clip is ironic in that it shows what someone with very little money can do to stand against abortion. We win just by showing up. God uses our availability not our ability. In the minds of our enemies, they believe that Christian missionaries must be motivated by money, sex or power. They can’t understand anything else, because that is their sole motivation.

1 Comment

Pat Windle was obviously suffering from paranoia. If I supervised the death of thousands of innocent people I would be paranoid too. Being a mass murderer must leave her with the feeling that some day, she is going to be made to pay an eye for an eye, head for head, arm for arm, leg for leg.

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