Pro-life Unity?

I had an interesting discussion concerning a video interview I posted recently with one of our nation’s leading pro-life activists. A few of my Reformed friends began debating whether or not posting the video tacit endorsement of the “excesses” of a particular church movement. I find similar debates whenever a Roman Catholic pro-life leader is mentioned in Protestant circles – or a charismatic leader appears among Reformed evangelicals.

This debate speaks to my background. I was raised in a Catholic home. I was converted to Christ as an adult in the Pentecostal/charismatic movement. For the past seven years, I’ve been a member of a Reformed congregation. While I understand each point of view to a great extent, I have my own unique theological agreements and disagreements with each group, including the church I am a member of now.

However, I’ve never found it to be an issue in pro-life activism or in trying to raise awareness of the sanctity of life. Faced with a modern holocaust of child murder, I am happy to see anyone on the front lines who names the name of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I liken it to the story of the Good Samaritan who did the will of God even though his theology of formal worship was out of sync with the Word of God. Jesus told his hearers that the non-Jew who had mercy on his neighbor was the only one who did the will of God. The two by-passers whose tradition Jesus himself followed were in dosobedience.

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