R.C. Sproul Jr. – The Church’s Silence on the Abortion Issue

Video: R.C. Sproul Jr. - The Church's Silence on the Abortion Issue
R.C. Sproul Jr. - The Church's Silence on the Abortion Issue
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We got this note on Facebook in response to this video.

For years, I could hardly bare even hearing the “A” word. I would substitute any other word, so not to use the word abortion. I would fear that my guilt would some how expose me. At some point, the only way I could find my healing was to expose my proverbial withered hand and accept the mercy and forgiveness of my Savior, Jesus Christ. If I felt that way and so do many others. Many men and woman hope and trust that God has forgiven and forgotten all their sins, but there are still so many who will not forgive themselves for what they did! They just won’t. Didn’t Jesus come so we would have life abundant? Didn’t He come to set the captive free, especially our own condemnation. Thank you for posting R.C. Sproul Jr. Even the Church needs to expose it’s withered hand. For those the Son has set free are free indeed! – Carol P.G.

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