A while back, I produced a video of Sarah Crank, whose testimony at the Maryland House Subcommittee hearing on a same-sex marriage measure erupted into controversy and numerous death threats against her. Tomorrow, she and her parents will be featured on D. James Kennedy’s show, Truth That Transforms. You’ll be able to see clips of our YouTube video used in the program.
See also: A Crank on Gay Marriage – Murphy Brown Revisted.
Home-Schooled Student Faces Death Threats from Homosexual Activists

Here’s an except from Truth In Action. This will be on D. James Kennedy’s show tomorrow.
Host: Jennifer Kennedy Cassidy, Jerry Newcombe
Guests: Tony Perkins, Bishop Harry Jackson, Sarah, Karl (father), and Kathleen (mother) Crank and the Crank family, Joni Ocurto (family friend)
Air Date: February 3, 2013
The Sarah Crank Story is about a 14 yr. old blasted for standing up for traditional marriage in court when she read:
“Hi, I’m Sarah Crank. Today’s my 14th birthday, and it would be the best birthday present ever if you would vote ‘no’ on gay marriage. I really feel bad for kids who have two parents of the same gender. Even though some kids feel like it’s fine, they have no idea what kind of wonderful experiences they miss out on. I don’t want any more kids to get confused about what’s right and OK. I really don’t want to grow up in a world where marriage isn’t such a special thing anymore. It’s rather scary to think that when I grow up that the legislator or the court can change the definition of any word they want. If they can change the definition of marriage, then they can change the definition of any word. People have the choice to be gay, but I don’t want to be affected by their choice. People say they were just born that way, but I’ve met really nice adults who did change. So please vote ‘no’ on gay marriage. Thank you.”
This Week’s Featured Resource: Why Aren’t You Tolerant?
We’ve become a very “tolerant” nation. Unfortunately, tolerance as it is now understood, is anything but openness to opposing views. The tolerance of yesteryear meant a willingness to gracefully bear with differing opinions. Nowadays, it means you must accept and approve of others’ morally objectionable ideas. If you don’t, watch out. Angry death threats followed a 14-year-old Maryland girl’s sweetly-worded plea asking the Maryland Senate to keep marriage the union of a man and a woman. One online post said, “If I ever see this girl, I will kill her. That’s a promise.”
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